Elm tree and the history of land development in Obihiro. ハルニレの木と帯広開拓の歴史
A 200 years old elm tree near the Inada water pump station, and a big elm tree with many combined tree trunks near Kikanko river. Monuments of pioneers from Sakauchi village, Gifu prefecture, settled in Kawanishi village, and an another monument in the campus of OUAVM, praising the pioneer land owner who offered his land to Obihiro Agricultural High School and OUAVM. How are they related each other?
When the elm tree near the Inada water pump station started to grow, no people from the main island of Japan lived in this place. Later, people settled in this place cut the trees around this tree. Therefore, this tree could spread its branches and twigs widely from its very thick trunk with around 3 m diameter.
On the other hand, when I saw the elm tree near the Kikanko river, I wondered why this tree has so many combined trunks. A curator of the Obihiro Centennial Museum, Mr. Ikeda, taught me that this tree should have been cut once. After being cut, many new stems grew again from the stump and grew big again. Many trunks from the stump were combined together and formed the present tree.
When this elm tree was cut once? It should have been the age when people settled in Kawanishi village around 120 years ago. In 1897 (Meiji 29), people from the Sakauchi village in Gifu prefecture, central Japan, settled in this place. One or two years ahead, Mr. Nakamura from Fukui prefecture, central Japan, also settled in this place, and started clearing the forest and cultivating the land. The land cultivated by the family of Mr. Nakamura was later-on donated to Obihiro Agricultural High School and the Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
A 200 years old elm tree near the Inada water pump station. 稲田浄水場の隣の樹齢200年のハルニレの木。
A big elm tree with many combined tree trunks near Kikanko river. 機関庫川のほとりのたくさんの幹が寄せ集まったハルニレの木。
Monuments of pioneers from Sakauchi village, Gifu prefecture, settled in Kawanishi village. 岐阜県坂内村から帯広市川西村に入植した人たちの渡道百年記念碑。
An another monument in the campus of OUAVM, praising the pioneer land owner who offered his land to Obihiro Agricultural High School and OUAVM. 帯広畜産大学と帯広農業高校に用地を提供した初期開拓者の顕彰碑。帯広畜産大学キャンパス内。
Views from Tokachi Hills Garden and Morinoyama. 十勝ヒルズと帯広の森「もりの山」からの眺め。
My friend during my student age visited me after 37 years absence since the occasion of my wedding ceremony with my wife. I brought him to some places in Obihiro where we can enjoy the nice view.
Outing to Fukuhara-Sansou lodge with red maple leaves and Mt. Haku-un-san. 紅葉の福原山荘と白雲山の散策。
On October 5, I went out to see red maple leaves in the garden of Fukuhara-Sanso lodge in the mountain foot area of Shikaribetsu. It is a private garden, and open to public only in this season until October 21.
After visiting the garden of Fukuhara-Sanso lodge, I proceeded to Shikaribetsu lake and Mt. Haku-un-san. As it was already after 3 o'clock when I arrived at the starting point of Mt. Haku-un-san, I could not climb to the summit of the mountain. I walked around 2 hours in the mountain and came back. It was a very comfortable walk, because the weather was fine and not hot.
Autumn colors in the Green Park of Obihiro. 帯広グリーンパークの紅葉。
I visited the green park of Obihiro by bicycle to enjoy the colored leaves. Compared with last year, the autumn color is delayed and not so brilliant maybe damaged by the strong typhoons which attacked Japan repeatedly.
Red maple leaves and the lawn of the green park.
Yellow and red leaves of katsura and maple trees.
Maple trees and forest in the park.
Art stone carvings along the walking path and mushrooms found along the way.
Today, we had a very fine day here in Tokachi. People in Tokachi, Hokkaido, are proud of such fine day calling "Tokachi-bare". I went to the river-side forest of Kikanko river to pick mushrooms, cleaned my crops in the garden, then visited three view spots in the suburbs of Obihiro city, Iwanai Senkyou (hidden valley in Iwanai), Shichiku garden, and Manabe garden.
An abandoned farm house beside Kikanko river.
View of Hidaka mountains, "Tokachi-Poroshiri" and "Tsurugi-san" .
View of the hidden valley in Iwanai, "Iwanai Senkyou".
Shichiku garden. Two types of magnolia (Kobushi and Mokuren) and their seeds. An oak tree is also shown (upper right).
Shichiku garden. Yellow and red maple trees, a hatched seeds of wild lily (Ooubayuri) and the ears of dent corn hung on a tree branch.
Manabe garden. Two different types of maple tree, leaves of wild grape, and open air art works covered with needle leaves.
Manabe garden. A grass with purple colored seeds (Murasaki-shikibu) and a Canadian maple tree, and fallen leaves floating on the water surface.
Scenes of roadside trees and park trees in autumn color are shown. I also walked along the western bank of Satsunai river. I was interested to see the seed bags of Metaplexis japonica, which contain wooly hair and seeds inside. When I visited here last year, all seed bags were already hatched and the wooly hair and seeds have blown off by winds. This time, the seed bags were still colored green. I also found the Japanese native wild hop.
Colored leaves of the roadside trees in Seiryu, Obihiro. 帯広市清流地区の街路樹。
Japanese horse chestnut tree in a park in Seiryu town. 公園のトチノキ。
River side view along the western bank of Satsunai river. 札内川西側堤防からの風景。
Riverside trees on September 17 and October 17. 9月17日と10月17日の河畔林。
Upper two: Seed bag of Metaplexis japonica, lower two photos: Japanese native hop, "Karahanasou". 上の写真:ガガイモの実。下の写真:日本産の野生ホップ。
This afternoon (October 19), I climbed a small mountain named “Mt. Kunimi-yama” to the north of Obihiro city. It belongs to national forest and managed as a forest for nature observation and education by the national forest management bureau in the west Tokachi area. I climbed this mountain 27 years ago with my family (my wife and three kids) joining the bus tour organized by the forest management bureau. Since then I have not climbed this mountain. It was very fine today, and I could enjoy an exercise in a refreshing air and a beautiful forest with yellow and red colored leaves. It is only 30 minutes drive from my house, and the climbing is easy as the height of the mountain is only 128 m and the climbing routes are managed in very good condition.
Route guide panel and colored leave trees along the route.
Views near the top of the hill.
Views along the ridge of the hill.
A Hokkaido squirrel on a twig of a needle tree and the views along the going-down route. The route was managed in very good condition.
Cover photos which I used in the past. 過去に使用したカバー写真。
Cover photos which I used in the past. Photos were taken by myself mostly near my living place. Some photos were taken during my trips.
上:A view of Shirakawa-gou, from the observatory, where I visited in the excursion of IHSS18 meeting on 14 September. Shirakawa-gou in Gifu prefecture is famous for the traditional old thatched houses of the villagers. Each house is a triangle shaped, three storied very high building. Villagers raised silk worm in the higher stories, and produced the ingredient for gun powder by fermenting the soil in the basement. Shirakawa-gou had been an isolated village deep in high mountains. It had been one of the hidden villages in Japan. These years, however, millions of peaple visit there thanks to the construction of a highway, though only a thousands of people are living there.
2016 9.17
下:Sunset from the rugby court of my university, taken on February 4, 2015.
上:清流4丁目の雪景色。 2012 3.20
下:Hidaka mountain range viewed through the field of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (November 19, 2017).
帯広畜産大学の圃場越しに見た日高山脈(平成29年11月19日) 2017. 11.19
上:畜大圃場からの冬の夕焼け。 2018 1.12
下:雪解けの進んだ畜大圃場。 2018 4.18
上:オランダのアーネム郊外のKröller Müller 野外美術館の入口にあった大きなショベルの像。この像を立てるにはかなり苦労したそうです。最初は1年で倒れてしまい、その後地下部の構造を補強し、色を塗りなおして現在の像になったそうです。美術館内に説明のパネルがありました。
This statue of large shovel stands near the entrance of the Kroeller Mueller open air museum in the Netherlands. Construction of this statue was a hard work. After one year of the settlement, this statue fell down. The artist improved the underground structure of this statue and painted it blue from silver, then settled it again. What does this large shovel mean? Maybe it is because Van Gogh drew often shovels in his pictures. This museum owns many works of Van Gogh.
2017 4.11
下:わが家の庭の百合。A lily in my garden. 2018 8.19
上:Pasture field of OUAVM with the background of Hidaka mountain range. May 17, 2018.
This photo was taken at around 9 am on July 6, 2017. Potato variety "May Queen" is grown in the farmer's field in Taisho town, Obihiro. The first and second weeks of July are the full-blooming season of potato flowers.
上:ナナカマドの紅葉。わが家の前の街路樹。 2012 10.28
下:Evening glow seen through the field of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
While I was watching this scenery, I reminded myself of a nursery song.
While my baby is sleeping, what can I do?
Adzuki bean cake and horse chestnut cake.
Bring it to red mountains, then red bird will pick it.
Bring it to blue mountains, then blue bird will pick it.
Bring it to white mountains, then white bird will pick it.
——- A nursery song in Obihiro district. Translated by myself.
28. June, 2018, 19:25.
View of farmland at Toyonishi town in Obihiro on September 14, 2018.
下:Red colored maple trees in the Fukuhara-Sanou lodge in Shikaribetsu mountain foot area, Tokachi, Hokkaido.
上:わが家の庭のカサブランカ 2012 8.13
下:別科圃場の緑肥用ヒマワリ 2012 8.7
上:別科圃場 2012 7.5
下:下川西の段丘崖にある農家。2013 3.31
上:シモバシラ。畜大の武田教授が栽培したもの。2012 10.24
下:手製のタコ。帯広運動公園にて。2015 1.26
上:大樹町トイトッキ沼付近の海岸とハマナス。2016 6.29
下:The view around "Samani" port on the coast of Hidaka region in southern Hokkaido. The photo was taken by my daughter from the airplane flying from Obihiro to Haneda on January 8.
手前の小さな港は様似漁港、その北にある少し幅広い平野には十勝の豊似とつながる天馬街道が走っています。平野を流れる川は日高幌別川です。沿岸には日高本線が敷設されていますが、昨夏の台風被害以来不通のままです。この写真は東京に帰る娘が機上から写したものです。 2017 1.9
上:琵琶瀬展望台から見た霧多布湿原。2018, 11.3
Above: Kiritappu wetland viewed from Biwase observatory on November 3, 2018.
下:細岡展望台から見た釧路湿原。遠くに雌阿寒岳が見えました。2018, 11.3
Below: Kushiro wetland viewed from Hoso-oka observatory on November 3, 2018. Mt. Meakan-dake was seen beyond the wetland.
New Year Greetings on January 1, 2019.
Manabe Garden is at the peak of autumn color. 紅葉のピークを迎えた真鍋庭園。
In the afternoon of October 20, I visited the Manabe garden, where the autumn colored leaves are at their maximum peak. I walked the path along the Kikanko river to the garden and came home through the path on the bank of Satsunai river.
The way to the Manabe garden. Ripe red seeds of Japanese spindle tree, swamp ash trees along Kikanko river (two photos) and three trees (maple, elm, and swamp ash) near the athletic ground of Obihiro Kita high school.
Colored maples along the outer fence of Manabe garden and beside the "Shinseikaku".
Red maple leaves and the fallen maple leaves sunk in the pond water.
Forest floor with the carpet of needle leaves, and streams flowing in the garden with fallen leaves around them.
The way home along the bank of Satsunai river from Manabe garden. The big elm tree near the water pump station, the seeds of swamp ash, a tractor plowing the field, and the seeds inside the sheath of Metaplexis japonica (Gagaimo in Japanese name).
今日は帯広市図書館の帰りにグリーンパークの紅葉を見てきました。帯広市の紅葉の名所のひとつだけあってさすがに見事でした。グリーンパークの長辺は400m以上あるので、駐車場から紅葉並木の端まで往復すると1 kmくらい歩いたことになります。
この公園には400 m の長さを誇る木のベンチがあり、これが作られた1981年時点では世界一長いベンチでした。その記録は1987年に破られましたが、それでも日本で3番目に長いベンチだそうです。
Today, I visited the Green Park of Obihiro on the way home from the Obihiro library. Here also, the red color of the maple tree is at its maximum now. Green Park is a very wide park, and the length from the end to end is larger than 400 m. Therefore, I walked 1 km for the round way from the parking place to the end of the maple alley.
There is a 400 m long wooden bench in this park, and it was the longest bench in the world when it was constructed in 1981. Now it is the third longest bench in Japan.
The census of Hokkaido squirrels in the forest of Obihiro. 帯広の森でエゾリス生息数の調査。
10月27日は6:30 から帯広の森でのエゾリス生息数の調査に1年ぶりに参加しました。1年前も小雨でしたが、今朝も雨でした。雨でもエゾリスは現れるとのことで、調査は続けているそうです。藪こぎをしながらの調査なので大変でした。約2kmを2時間くらいかけて歩き、エゾリスは6匹みつかりました。
After a one year blank since October 28 of last year, I joined the census activity of Hokkaido squirrels in the forest of Obihiro. It was a rainy day, but squirrels appeared. We could find 6 squirrels along the around 2 km walk in the bush and forest.
Next day, I visited Obihiro river near the area where I conducted the census of squirrels. I used to come here for fishing when my kids were the age of elementary school.
Riverside trees along Obihiro river and Kikanko river on the same day.
Final stage of colored maples in the Manabe Garden. 終盤を迎えた真鍋庭園の紅葉。
In the afternoon of October 28, I visited the Manabe garden. The autumn colored leaves are approaching their final stage. However, they looked very brilliant due to the cold temperature in the morning.
Big elm tree near the Manabe garden. Leaves have turned yellow and fallen. Trunks and branches could be seen through the leaves. Fields along the Satsunai river have been plowed, preparing for the crops in next year.
Preparation of mini soil monolith using the soil samples collected this year. 今年調査した土壌断面試料を使ってのミニ土壌モノリスの作成。
I prepared a soil monolith using the soil samples collected from the soil profile in the Junior Course field in May - June, 2018. The change in color and the degree of weathering in different soil layers can be represented easily.
Visit to Japanese crane sanctuary in Tsurui village and the Kushiro wetland visitor center at Onnenai, Kushiro. 鶴居ー伊藤丹頂サンクチュアリーと釧路湿原温根内ビジターセンターの訪問
As I had some appointment in the afternoon of November 2, I stayed in a hotel in Tsurui village on November 1. In the morning of November 2, I visited the Japanese crane sanctuary in Tsurui village and the Kushiro wetland visitor center at Onnenai, Kushiro.
Japanese crane sanctuary in Tsurui village. When I arrived here, I could find three cranes, male, female and their child bird. They were eating the dent corn fed by the staff of the center. After a while, another family flied into the same site. The newly arrived family cried loudly, then the family which was there from the beginning left the site. The staff of the center told me that the male bird which came later is an older and stronger bird. A crowd of Japanese crane also flied over the site, but they did not land on the site, noticing the family of strong male bird was already there.
Kushiro wetland visitor center at Onnenai, Kushiro. I walked along the wooden path in the wetland, in total 3 km long.
There had been here a narrow type rail road connecting Shin-Fuji in Kushiro city and Naka-Setsuri in Tsurui village since 1928 to 1968.
Sunrise seen from the cape Tohfutsu in Kiritappu. 霧多布湯沸岬から見た日の出。
After my appointment in Kushiro, I moved to Kiritappu to stay in a private B and B lodging "Etopirika-mura". On November 3, I woke up early and went to
the cape Tohfutsu to see the sunrise before breakfast. After the breakfast, I walked down to the beach to see the fishermen harvesting the sea tangle which were washed ashore. After checking out the lodging, I visited the cape Tohfutsu again, as I might be able to see a family of sea otter in the sea, but I could not find them.
Before the sunrise from the cape Tohfutsu.
Sunrise from the cape Tohfutsu.
After the sunrise from the cape Tohfutsu.
View from the cape Azechi after sunrise.
Scenes around the cape Tohfutsu. New sign board for the young tourists, horses in a meadow, and the scene of the beach under the cape Tohfutsu.
the fishermen harvesting the sea tangle which were washed ashore.
Tip point of the cape Tohfutsu, with the monument of Mr. Takeshirou Matsuura inscribed with one of his poems. He was a prominent explorer in the end of Edo era who traveled around Hokkaido, and named this big island as "Hokkaido".
Views of Kiritappu wetland from the Kiritappu wetland center and the observatory at Biwase. 霧多布湿原センターと琵琶瀬からの霧多布湿原のながめ。
After leaving the capes Tohfutsu and Azechi, I forwarded to the Kiritappu wetland center and the observatory at Biwase to view the Kiritappu wetland.
View of the wetland at the Kiritappu wetland center. Some Japanese cranes were flying in the wetland.
Views of Kushiro wetland from the observatory at Hosooka. 細岡展望台からの釧路湿原のながめ。
On the way from the Kiritappu wetland to Obihiro, I dropped at the observatory at Hosooka to enjoy the majestic view of Kushiro wetland.
View of the Kushiro wetland at the observatory at Hosooka.
View of the Kushiro wetland at the observatory at Hosooka.
Views of sunset at the Pasukuru parking area along the route 38. 国道38号線沿いの馬主来駐車場から見た夕焼け。
On the way from tKushiro to Obihiro, I dropped at the Pasukuru parking area along the route 38. It was already sunset time, and I could enjoy the beautiful evening glow over the Pacific Ocean.
The beautiful evening glow over the Pacific Ocean.
Views of mountains in Tokachi from Mt. Kunimiyma and "Morinoyama" in the forest of Obihiro. 国見山と帯広の森"もりの山"からの十勝の山の眺め。
そこで、その方と一緒に登ることにしました。もともと観察会には運が良ければ入れてもらおうくらいの気持ちでしたので、それで構いませんでした。初めて会った私より7歳年上の方といろいろお話ししながら登れて良かったです。 今回は前回には通らなかった国見山の外周を1周するコースを歩きました。外国の森コースを登り、展望台コースを降りてきました。外国の森コースは道がぬかるんでいて歩きにくかったです。これは、同行の方のお話によると、登山道を整備するために重機で道を削ったためだそうです。人手不足と予算不足で安易な整備をしたための失敗のようです。
On the next day after I returned from my trip, I visited Mt. Kunimiyama in the suburbs of Obihiro and "Morinoyama" in the forest of Obihiro. It was also very fine and I could enjoy the nice view of the mountains in Tokachi. Summits of the mountains were already white with snow.
Views from Mt. Kunimiyama in the suburbs of Obihiro.
Scenes of late autumn along my walking path. 散歩道周辺の晩秋の景色。
On November 9, just before it rained, I made my routine walk along the stream of Kikanko river and in the forest of agricultural high school. Though most of maple trees have fallen down their leaves, some trees still remained their red leaves. The path in the forest was also covered with oak leaves.
Roadside maple tree with still red leaves in Seiryu town.
Red maple trees with their fallen leaves carpet.
Upper photo: Swamp ash and walnut trees beside the "Kikanko" river. Lower photo: Plowed pasture field.
Upper photo: Newly germinated pastures. Lower photo: Larch trees in the cliff beyond the pasture field.
Upper photo: My routine path in the forest covered with oak leaves. Lower photo: Unknown red leaf.
Triangulation points and survey level points around my house. わが家周辺の三角点と水準点。
Triangulation points and survey level points found around my house.
Triangulation point in Shimo-Kawanishi town. 82.1 m.
Triangulation point in the Green Park. 66.6 m.
Survey level point in Seiryu town beside the Kikanko river. 66.5 m. The photo in the lower right is the memorial bench-mark stone in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. 69.4 m.
Triangulation point near "Nantai" bridge beside the western bank of Satsunai river. 78.0 m
Triangulation point near the summit of Mt. Kunimi-yama. 116.7 m. The summit is 129 m.
Triangulation point near the Elm park to the south of Manabe garden. 57.2 m. The photo lower right is a tall Canadian maple tree in Manabe Garden.
Upper: In the park at West 3, South 33. 51.4 m.
Lower: Near the fence of water pump station in Minami-no-mori machi. 76.2 m.
Upper: To the south of Kounan Hospital in Ohzora town. 82.7 m.
Lower: To the west of prison at the crossing of West 7 and South 13 road. 84.6 m.
Upper: View from the Jiyuugaoka Takadai town.
Lower: Triangulation point near the northern gate of Japanese Self Defense Army Obihiro Base. 82.9 m.
Upper: Beside the Nanshou bridge on Dai_2_Hakurindai river. 58.3 m.
Lower: Near the Ohzora 10 choume crossing. 87.7 m.
Walking the path of sculptures in the Green Park of Obihiro and the scenes on my way home. 緑ヶ丘公園彫刻の径の散策と帰り道の風景。
The path of sculptures in the Green Park of Obihiro and the scenes on the way home.
Sculpture by Mr. Enya Nakai in 1972.
The cut end of the big tree that fell recently. Patterns of tree rings are irregular. Upper half in dark color is infected by fungi according to Mr. Ikeda, the curator of Obihiro Centennial Museum. The second photo is a big plane tree along the path of sculptures. We rarely see this tree in Obihiro.
Triangulation point with the altitude of 66.6 m.
緑ヶ丘公園内の三角点。彫刻の径沿いにありました。66.6 m。
Very old maple tree in the park.
Maple tree with red leaves.
A squirrel and a Japanese Tit were eating the walnuts fed by some passenger, though the feeding to wild animals is not recommended.
The lawn of the Green Park. A locomotive on the "Toteppo street". Fallen leaves of Ginko tree.
Trees (swamp ash and alnus) in the evening glow.
Manabe garden before closing the business during the winter season from December 3. I enjoyed the special view in this season.
First snow and walk along Urikai river. 初雪と売買川沿いの散歩。
On November 22, snow fell allover in Hokkaido including Obihiro. Though it also snowed the day before yesterday, it snowed more. The first snow was very late this year, and almost one month later compared with last year in Obihiro. Though I was not waiting for the snow, I felt strange that it did not snow until such late date. Recently, irregular weather and natural calamities are continuously occurring. The late first snow may also have something to do with such tendency. I could enjoy going out looking for the triangulation points, walking in parks and forests before it snowed. However, even after becoming the snow season, I would like to continue my walking.
In my place, we can hear the voice of swans mornings and evenings these days. I thought that they are already in Urikai river as I saw them there last year. This afternoon, I walked to Urikai river and walked along the river bank. Swans were not there yet, but I could see swans flying in the sky crying to each other on my way home.
Harvest of white radish and carrot from my garden, and the walk in the afternoon. 大根・人参の収穫と午後の散歩。
As it has become very cold in the morning, I harvested the white radish and carrot in my garden. In the afternoon, I made a routine walk.
Walk along the western bank of Satsunai river to Manabe garden. 札内川西側堤防を通って、真鍋庭園まで散歩。
In the afternoon of November 24, I went to Manabe garden passing through the western bank of Satsunai river. Seed bags of Metaplexis japonica have already opened and wooly haired seeds have appeared. Snow remained in Manabe garden, and I could enjoy the snowy scene of the garden.
Trees along the western bank of Satsunai river.
Opened seeds of Metaplexis japonica.
"Shinshoukaku" building in snow. Observatory over the waterfall in the garden. House of squirrel in front of the cafeteria.
Plants and cones in the garden.
Fallen leaves of willow trees on the pond.
池の水面のヤナギの落ち葉。 魚の群れのように見えます。
View of Mt. Tokachi-Poroshiri, Satsunai river, and flock of swans flying back to their sleeping place. Photos of the dog of my daughter which passed away on November 18 were also uploaded for its memory. 十勝幌尻岳、札内川、寝ぐらに帰る白鳥の群れ。11月18日に亡くなったマメ(娘の飼い犬)の写真も思い出のために載せておきます。
View of Satsunai river and Mt. Tokachi-Poroshiri in the evening. One day is very short these days. This morning, I had a lecture as a part-time lecturer in the college, at lunch break enjoyed playing mini-volley ball, and after coming back home, went out again to ride a bicycle along the eastern bank of Satsunai river. I intended also to find another triangulation point, but I could not find it. It was my mistake, the point I expected was not a triangulation point but a bench mark, which does not have a yellow indicator.
Mt. Tokachi-Poroshiri seen from the eastern bank of Satsunai river in the evening. A photo of swans flying over this site was also uploaded.
Mt. Tokachi-Poroshiri seen from the Aikoku-Ohashi bridge of Satsunai river in the evening.
A row of white birch in Seiryu town and a flock of swans flying over them.
A row of oak trees in the park beside Kikanko river and a flock of swans flying over them.
Views from Nantai bridge and Aikoku-Ohashi bridge on Satsunai river in the evening.
Views from Nantai bridge and a farm house to the east of Satsunai river in the evening.
Views of the row of larch wind break trees in the field of Obihiro Agricultural Senior High School.
Photos of "Mame" taken in 2017. For the memory of "Mame", the dog of my daughter, which passed away on November 18, 2018 at the age of 13.
Searching another triangulation points, and finding the flock of swans in the field. 三角点探しと畑の白鳥の群れ。
For the walking in this afternoon of November 28, I took a new route to search another triangulation point. On the way, I could find flocks of swans resting in the field. It was very lucky.
In the afternoon of November 29, I went again to the upland field where I visited yesterday to see the flock of swans. The place swans stayed was a little apart from the yesterday' s site. I stayed there from around 15:00 to 16:00. Finally, a fox appeared and approached the swans. The scared swans flied back to their sleeping place.
Triangulation points in Kawanishi town.
上:川西町西7号南15線(95.8 m)および下:西5号南14線付近(85.1 m) の三角点。
Swans in the field where dent corn was grown and harvested.
Thirty minutes after the above photo.
Forty minutes after the above photo.
Forty minutes after the above photo.
A few minutes before 15:00 on November 29.
Many birds were sitting on the soil and other birds were feeding.
From around 3:30, some swans started to leave the field.
The remained birds also looked like to be ready for flying.
Some birds were still feeding the fallen dent corns in the field (upper photo). A few minutes before 16 o'clock, A fox approached the swans (lower foto).
The fox seeing off the flying swans (upper photo) and the evening view of larch trees (lower photo).
Swans flying over the pasture field of Obihiro Agricultural High School (on November 30).
Flight of swans seen near the white birch rows in Seiryu (on December 1).
Observation of the soil profiles in the forest of agricultural high school on a lower terrace. 農業高校低位段丘林土壌断面の観察。
12月2日の午前中、スコップと土壌調査道具を持って農業高校の森に行ってきました。昨日気付いた土壌断面をよく観察させて頂くためです。農業高校の方が穴を掘った理由はわかりませんが、土壌断面の観察に適した深さと幅に掘ってありました。ただし土壌断面の表面はガチガチに凍っていたので、スコップで削ってから観察しました。多分農業高校の職員の方による今年の作業はもう終わっていると思われたので、観察するだけなら許してもらえるだろうと思いました。断面は下半分が沖積層(4C, 5C層)で、その上に沖積の腐植層(4AC層)が乗っていました。断面上部は約9,000年前に降灰した樽前d火山灰から始まる火山灰層(3B, 3BC層)で、樽前dの腐植層(2A層)、約3,000年前に降灰した薄い樽前c火山灰層(1AC 層)、樽前cの腐植層(1A層)の順に堆積していました。農耕地でない土壌断面はめったに見ることができないので、大変有難い機会でした。土色や土性などは凍っていて観察できないので、土壌サンプルも少しずつ削って持ち帰りました。
In the morning of December 2, I went to the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High school to observe the soil profiles, carrying a shovel and the tools for soil survey. The pit was probably made by the staffs of the high school. Their work might have finished already, but the pit was left unburied. I thought that it will be allowed only to observe the profiles. The lower half of the profile was alluvial origin (5C and 4C layer), because the profile was located on the lower terrace. Around 5 cm thick humus layer (4AC) mixed with gravels covered the alluvial layer. The upper half was volcanic ash origin, starting from Ta-d volcanic ash (3B, 3BC, ca 9,000 YBP), overlain by its humus accumulated layer (2A), thin Ta-c volcanic ash layer (1AC, ca 3,000 YBP), and its humus accumulated layer (1A). I also brought some soil samples because it was difficult to check soil color and texture in the field. I was very lucky because we can rarely observe the undisturbed soil profiles. Before I went there, my wife said to me, "The pit must be a trap to hunt you". Yes, I was successfully trapped.
Soil profile 1 and 2.
Soil profile 3. Thin Tarumae-c volcanic ash layer can be observed at 35-38 cm depth.
Walk along the Urikai river to the west of OUAVM field. 畜大農場西側の売買川沿いを散歩。
According to the weather forecast, we will have a heavy snow from the evening of December 6 to December 7. Therefore, I went out for walking in the afternoon of December 6. I walked along the bank of Urikai river from the southernmost field of OUAVM to the crossing to the north of the university. First, I visited the field where swans were resting. While I was watching them, slurry applying vehicle came and applied the digested slurry in the field. Swans did not escape but just moved a little. However, they must have been troubled because the slurry smells bad and their feeding field became dirty. I walked further along the river bank, and found many interesting things, cracked wood trunk, rotted disposed tire, ruined statue of a cow, fallen tree infected by fungi, and etcetera. I enjoyed also the view of quiet river flow and splashing dams.
Swans in the field.
Views along Urikai river bank 1. Paths in the forest and the cracked tree. Rotten wheel tire and fallen tree.
Views along Urikai river bank 2. Paths in the forest, horse trekking course, and a small dam.
Views along Urikai river bank 3. Mushrooms, paths, and a dam.
Views along Urikai river bank 4. Disposed, ruined sculpture of a cow.
Views along Urikai river bank 5. Dam, rotted tree, and the flows of Urikai river.
Views along Urikai river bank 7. Flows of Urikai river and twisted tree trunks.
12月6日の夜から7日にかけて天気予報通りこの冬初めての本格的な雪となりました。午前中に一度家の周りを除雪し、16時から17時にかけてもう一度除雪しました。午前中除雪したあとにさらに20cm ほど積もっていました。過去にも12月7日は大雪がよく降っているようです。
From the night of December 6 to 7, we had a heavy snow in Obihiro. I had to remove the snow around my house two times a day in the morning and in the evening on December 7. Total depth of the fallen snow was around 30 cm. Also in the past, we had very often heavy snows on December 7.
Views around my house in the morning of December 7, and the views in the Kikanko river park on December 8.
Views along Kikanko river and swamp ash trees on December 8.
Views in the Kikanko river park in the evening of December 8.
Walk along the Urikai river after the heavy snow. 大雪後の売買川河畔を散歩。
In the afternoon of December 11, I walked to the southernmost field of OUAVM. I could not find swans any more there. I walked further to the riverside forest of Urikai river. There were many footprints of wild animals, but no footprints of human. Next visitor will find my footprints.
1: Cowshed of the university field, 2: The field where many swans could be observed until December 6, 3: Sunset beyond the pasture field, 4: Wet forest where earth hammocks are observed.
1 & 2: Footprints of wild animals on the snow, 3: The path on the river bank, 4: A dam on the river. Water was partially frozen.
1 & 2: Shores of Urikai river, 3: Rotted fallen tree, 4: Ruined sculpture of a cow lying under the snow.
1: A row of larch trees beside the baseball ground, 2, 3: Mt. Tokachi-Poroshiri seen beyond the pasture field and wind break larch trees after the sunset.
Evening view of the row of white birch trees and Kikanko river in Seiryu town. 清流の白樺並木と機関庫川の夕暮れの風景。
The view around my walking path has changed after the snow. Today I walked along the path in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School after two weeks or so. I could walk through the forest without wearing the snowshoes. In the latter half of the path, I could find only the footprints of foxes. After coming out from the forest I could see the beautiful evening view of the row of white birch and Kikanko river.
I have also added some more photos of my favorite trees taken during my walk in the following days.
Joined the wild birds survey of a volunteers group "Ezorisu_no_kai". エゾリスの会の鳥類調査に参加。
12月23日はエゾリスの会の鳥類調査に参加しました。帯広の森の中の既定のルートを歩いて、出会った鳥を記録するものです。私は百年記念館の学芸員さんのグループに入れてもらいました。学芸員さんは鳥の声を聞くだけで何の鳥かわかります。私が気づいた鳥の数の10倍くらいは見つけておられました。調査で大学の研究室の卒業生さんに再会しました。ハシブトガラ、シジュウカラ、ゴジュウカラ、ヒガラ、エナガ、キバシリ、キクイタダキ、アカゲラ、ヒヨドリ 、ハシブトガラスなどを観察することができました。
On December 23, I joined the wild bird survey activity held by a volunteer's group "Ezorisu no Kai (Hokkaido squirrel lover's group?)". I could also luckily meet the lady who graduated my laboratory 8 years ago.
Walking along Urikai river, Kikanko river and Satsunai river. 売買川、機関庫川、札内川沿いの散歩。
Afternoon walk to Urikai river on January. Due to the very little snow in this year, I could walk to the place which is hardly accessible in normal years. The dam on Urikai river was frozen already. The views seen during my walk in the following days are also uploaded here.
White birch and larch trees (January 5).
Frozen dam on Urikai river (January 5).
Footprints on the snow (January 5).
Horses in the campus fields of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (January 5).
Views along the bank of Urikai river to the north of Inada elementary school where I walked next day (January 6). A pair of merganser was swimming in Urikai river. In the last winter, I also saw the pair of birds here.
Views along the bank of Kikanko river where I walked next day (January 6). 農業高校の森を通って稲田小学校の北の売買川堤防まで歩き、その後機関庫川沿いの道を帰ってきました。売買川ではカワアイサのつがいが泳いでいました。
Evening views from Seiryu town where I live (January 7). Photos taken during my evening walk are uploaded here. This morning, I had a lecture of soil science for the junior course students as a part time lecturer. After the lecture, I read the reports of students, and then joined a mini-volleyball game in the lunch break. I think, having a lecture once a week is very ideal for me, because I have enough time for preparing and reviewing the lecture.
Views along the bank of Kikanko river (January 7). 夕刻の散歩。今日は1時間目に非常勤講師(別科土壌作物栄養学)としての授業があり、ささやかな仕事始めとなりました。授業後1時間半ほど学生さんたちが提出したレポートを読み、昼休みにミニバレーをしてから帰ってきました。1週間に1度の授業というのは理想的です。
Elm trees (January 8). In the afternoon of January 8, I walked along Kikanko river to visit "Harunire" park where the symbolic elm tree of Obihiro city is growing. Then, I came home passing through the eastern bank of Satsunai river.
River side trees of Satsunai river (January 8). 機関庫川沿いの道を通ってハルニレ公園に行き、そこから札内川の堤防を通って帰ってきました。ハルニレ公園のハルニレの木は帯広市の保存指定樹第1号で見事です。
Satsunai river near the bridge of express highway (January 9). In the afternoon of January 9, I walked to the post office of Kawanishi town around 3 km far from my house, then came back walking along the bank of Satsunai river. On the way, I walked down to the river shore and watched the flow of the river. It was quiet and beautiful. The time to the post office was around 40 minutes and from the post office was around 1 hour. By car, it takes only 10 minutes from my house. When I become old enough, I will abandon driving, then it will become very difficult to go to post office.
Satsunai river to the east of "Obihiro-Kinen" hospital (January 9).
Road on Satsunai river bank and elm trees (January 9). 川西郵便局に用事があったので散歩がてら歩いて行き、帰りは札内川の堤防を歩いてきました。行きが40分、帰りが1時間くらいかかりました。帰り道は川岸まで降りて川の流れを見ていたりしたので時間がかかりました。車で行けば10分以内のところですが、年をとって車を運転できなくなったら、歩くことも困難なので困るだろうなと思います。
Stone and gravel excavation site and the volcanic ash layer appeared on the newly cut drain ditch (January 9). 堤防脇に側溝が掘られていました。薄い白い層があり、火山灰ではないかと思いました。
Riparian trees along the bank of Satsunai river (January 9). 札内川堤防沿いの河畔林。樹種についてはよくわかりません。
Frozen Urikai river (January 10). 凍った売買川の堰。
Frozen Urikai river (January 10). 凍った売買川。
Frozen Urikai river (January 10). 凍った売買川。
Trees on the sandbank of Urikai river (January 10). 売買川の中州の木立。
Evening glow at Kikanko river (January 10). 機関庫川の夕焼け。
Upper photo: Wall decoration of Obihiro Technology High School is reflecting the evening sun light. Lower photo: View of the bank of Satsunai river (January 11). 夕日を照り返す帯広工業高校の外壁の飾り(上)と札内川の堤防の風景(下)。
Upper photo: Riparian trees of Satunai river. Lower photo: View of Mt. Tokachi-Poroshiri (January 11). 札内川の河畔林(上)と十勝幌尻岳(下)。
Riparian trees of Satunai river (January 11). 札内川の河畔林。
Larch forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School (January 12). 農業高校のカラマツ林。
Frozen Urikai river and stone bridge (January 13). As the weather was calm and not windy, I walked along Urikai river bank a little longer than usual. I could see two pairs of common mergansers.
Frozen dam on Urikai river and sand-bank (January 13).
Common merganser on Urikai river and natural dam (January 13). 売買川のカワアイサと自然の堰。この日は4羽(2つがい)いました。
Mt. Memuro and the barnyard of OUAVM (January 13). 芽室岳と畜産大学の厩舎。
Oak tree in the field of OUAVM and Hidaka mountains beyond the wind break trees seen from Obihiro Agricultural High School field (January 13). 畜大圃場内の柏の木と農高圃場からみた防風林越しの日高山脈。
White birch trees in Seiryu town and Mt. Tokachi Poroshiri seen beyond the wind-break trees. (January 13). 清流の白樺並木と防風林越しの十勝幌尻岳。
This afternoon, I walked from the southern end of the university field to north along the bank of Urikai river. The river was totally frozen in this part. The evening glow on my way home was also beautiful (January 14). 今日は売買川沿いを畜大の圃場の南の端から北に向けて歩きました。歩き始めの部分では売買川は全面が凍っていました。堰の凍り具合も2週間ほど前に見た時よりもさらに進んでいました。帰り道は夕焼けが美しかったです。
Totally frozen Urikai river (January 14). 完全に結氷した売買川。
Totally frozen Urikai river (January 14). 完全に結氷した売買川。
Totally frozen Urikai river (January 14). 完全に結氷した売買川。
Frozen dam on Urikai river (January 14). 凍った堰。
Frozen dam on Urikai river and its lower flow (January 14). 凍った堰とその下流。
Unfrozen part of Urikai river (January 14). 売買川の結氷していない部分。
Near the joint to the branch river (January 14). 支流との合流点。
Evening glow through larch trees (January 14). カラマツ林越しの夕焼け。
Evening glow through white birch trees (January 14). 白樺林越しの夕焼け。