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Afternoon walk to Urikai river on January. Due to the very little snow in this year, I could walk to the place which is hardly accessible in normal years. The dam on Urikai river was frozen already. The views seen during my walk in the following days are also uploaded here.
White birch and larch trees (January 5).
Frozen dam on Urikai river (January 5).
Footprints on the snow (January 5).
Horses in the campus fields of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (January 5).
Views along the bank of Urikai river to the north of Inada elementary school where I walked next day (January 6). A pair of merganser was swimming in Urikai river. In the last winter, I also saw the pair of birds here.
Views along the bank of Kikanko river where I walked next day (January 6). 農業高校の森を通って稲田小学校の北の売買川堤防まで歩き、その後機関庫川沿いの道を帰ってきました。売買川ではカワアイサのつがいが泳いでいました。
Evening views from Seiryu town where I live (January 7). Photos taken during my evening walk are uploaded here. This morning, I had a lecture of soil science for the junior course students as a part time lecturer. After the lecture, I read the reports of students, and then joined a mini-volleyball game in the lunch break. I think, having a lecture once a week is very ideal for me, because I have enough time for preparing and reviewing the lecture.
Views along the bank of Kikanko river (January 7). 夕刻の散歩。今日は1時間目に非常勤講師(別科土壌作物栄養学)としての授業があり、ささやかな仕事始めとなりました。授業後1時間半ほど学生さんたちが提出したレポートを読み、昼休みにミニバレーをしてから帰ってきました。1週間に1度の授業というのは理想的です。
Elm trees (January 8). In the afternoon of January 8, I walked along Kikanko river to visit "Harunire" park where the symbolic elm tree of Obihiro city is growing. Then, I came home passing through the eastern bank of Satsunai river.
River side trees of Satsunai river (January 8). 機関庫川沿いの道を通ってハルニレ公園に行き、そこから札内川の堤防を通って帰ってきました。ハルニレ公園のハルニレの木は帯広市の保存指定樹第1号で見事です。
Satsunai river near the bridge of express highway (January 9). In the afternoon of January 9, I walked to the post office of Kawanishi town around 3 km far from my house, then came back walking along the bank of Satsunai river. On the way, I walked down to the river shore and watched the flow of the river. It was quiet and beautiful. The time to the post office was around 40 minutes and from the post office was around 1 hour. By car, it takes only 10 minutes from my house. When I become old enough, I will abandon driving, then it will become very difficult to go to post office.
Satsunai river to the east of "Obihiro-Kinen" hospital (January 9).
Road on Satsunai river bank and elm trees (January 9). 川西郵便局に用事があったので散歩がてら歩いて行き、帰りは札内川の堤防を歩いてきました。行きが40分、帰りが1時間くらいかかりました。帰り道は川岸まで降りて川の流れを見ていたりしたので時間がかかりました。車で行けば10分以内のところですが、年をとって車を運転できなくなったら、歩くことも困難なので困るだろうなと思います。
Stone and gravel excavation site and the volcanic ash layer appeared on the newly cut drain ditch (January 9). 堤防脇に側溝が掘られていました。薄い白い層があり、火山灰ではないかと思いました。
Riparian trees along the bank of Satsunai river (January 9). 札内川堤防沿いの河畔林。樹種についてはよくわかりません。
Frozen Urikai river (January 10). 凍った売買川の堰。
Frozen Urikai river (January 10). 凍った売買川。
Frozen Urikai river (January 10). 凍った売買川。
Trees on the sandbank of Urikai river (January 10). 売買川の中州の木立。
Evening glow at Kikanko river (January 10). 機関庫川の夕焼け。
Upper photo: Wall decoration of Obihiro Technology High School is reflecting the evening sun light. Lower photo: View of the bank of Satsunai river (January 11). 夕日を照り返す帯広工業高校の外壁の飾り(上)と札内川の堤防の風景(下)。
Upper photo: Riparian trees of Satunai river. Lower photo: View of Mt. Tokachi-Poroshiri (January 11). 札内川の河畔林(上)と十勝幌尻岳(下)。
Riparian trees of Satunai river (January 11). 札内川の河畔林。
Larch forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School (January 12). 農業高校のカラマツ林。
Frozen Urikai river and stone bridge (January 13). As the weather was calm and not windy, I walked along Urikai river bank a little longer than usual. I could see two pairs of common mergansers.
Frozen dam on Urikai river and sand-bank (January 13).
Common merganser on Urikai river and natural dam (January 13). 売買川のカワアイサと自然の堰。この日は4羽(2つがい)いました。
Mt. Memuro and the barnyard of OUAVM (January 13). 芽室岳と畜産大学の厩舎。
Oak tree in the field of OUAVM and Hidaka mountains beyond the wind break trees seen from Obihiro Agricultural High School field (January 13). 畜大圃場内の柏の木と農高圃場からみた防風林越しの日高山脈。
White birch trees in Seiryu town and Mt. Tokachi Poroshiri seen beyond the wind-break trees. (January 13). 清流の白樺並木と防風林越しの十勝幌尻岳。
This afternoon, I walked from the southern end of the university field to north along the bank of Urikai river. The river was totally frozen in this part. The evening glow on my way home was also beautiful (January 14). 今日は売買川沿いを畜大の圃場の南の端から北に向けて歩きました。歩き始めの部分では売買川は全面が凍っていました。堰の凍り具合も2週間ほど前に見た時よりもさらに進んでいました。帰り道は夕焼けが美しかったです。
Totally frozen Urikai river (January 14). 完全に結氷した売買川。
Totally frozen Urikai river (January 14). 完全に結氷した売買川。
Totally frozen Urikai river (January 14). 完全に結氷した売買川。
Frozen dam on Urikai river (January 14). 凍った堰。
Frozen dam on Urikai river and its lower flow (January 14). 凍った堰とその下流。
Unfrozen part of Urikai river (January 14). 売買川の結氷していない部分。
Near the joint to the branch river (January 14). 支流との合流点。
Evening glow through larch trees (January 14). カラマツ林越しの夕焼け。
Evening glow through white birch trees (January 14). 白樺林越しの夕焼け。
Evening glow seen from Seiryu town (January 14). 清流町から見た夕焼け。
New year season ends with the ceremony of burning new year's door decoration in the shrine ("Dondo-yaki"). I walked to the near-by Kawanishi shrine, and returned the door decoration. The temperature was around minus 15 this morning.
View of Kawanishi shrine from the front approach way, and the door decoration which has been hung on the entrance door of my house during new year celebrating weeks. This decoration is a kind of charm wishing the happiness and protection from misfortune.
I have incinerated the door decoration in the fire in the yard of the Kawanishi shrine. Many people visited the shrine to incinerate the new year decorations.
In the morning of January 20, I joined the wild birds survey in the forest of Obihiro conducted by “Ezorisu no Kai” (a volunteer group for learning wild lives in the forest of Obihiro and bringing up the forest). Today, seven members assembled and they were separated into two groups (4 and 3 people). The first group with 4 members had to survey the area two times, because the survey is usually conducted by 3 groups as a fixed rule. I was grouped in the first group and walked the survey course two times successively with other three members. I could enjoy the survey very much because I could see many kinds of birds, not only small birds but also an eagle. The survey finished before noon. After lunch, I walked to the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. I entered the wetland forest in the lower terrace area, where people seldom walk in. There, I could see another birds, for example, Eurasian Jay and Naumann’s Thrush.
Members of the first group just after starting and the frozen river covered with snow.
An artificial observatory hill, "Mori no yama" in the forest of Obihiro, and a Hokkaido squirrel on a twig of a tree.
Survey in the second run.
Lowland forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. There are many fallen trees, as the soil layer is very shallow here.
Swamp streams in the lowland forest.
The curator of the Obihiro Centennial Museum who walked together for the bird survey the day before yesterday (January 20), contributed an article titled “Spring is coming: Walking from town to forest and field.” to Hokkaido News Paper on January 22. When we walk in the forest in this season though it is still very cold, we can feel spring already in the breeding activity of wild animals (squirrels) as well as the swelling buds of trees in the strengthened sunlight one month after the winter solstice. In spite of such signs of spring, it has started snowing again. We, including wild animals and forest plants, have to endure the harsh winter still some more period.
Items seen during walking.
"Dai 2 Hakurin-dai" river seen from the bridges.
In the afternoon of January 25, I walked in the swamp forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. In the mid-winter, grasses are covered with snow and I can have a good view in the forest. Swamp is also frozen and my shoes will not be wet as long as I walk carefully. However, bushes with thorns and withered trees sometimes block me from going forward. As there is also no human trail, I have to follow the footprints of foxes. For my return way, I walked along Urikai river and Kikanko river. I could see also various small birds along Kikanko river.
White birch trees and their shadow.
Footprints of fox on the snow.
Oak trees on the cliff of lower terrace forest.
Root of fallen tree in the swamp forest and withered sedges in the swamp.
Streams in the swamp.
Streams in the swamp.
In the morning of January 26, I attended the second walking class held at the sports center of the forest of Obihiro. We learned today the walking method using two stocks called “Nordic walking”. The lecturer told us that this method is very good because we can walk safely in good posture and the another merit is that we can enjoy communication during walking. Usually I walk alone in the very lonely place where I see nobody during walking. I am afraid that I might forget speaking Japanese some time. As the walking distance in the morning lesson was not enough for me, I went out for walking along the Urikai river in the afternoon.
By the way, the first walking practice class was held at the sports center of the forest of Obihiro on January 19. Last year I also attended the same class. The leader talked about the importance of practicing walking, and guided us how to warm up before walking, and taught us the good posture for walking. Then we walked together around the sports center. We could not practice the walking wearing snow shoes due to too little snow. The lecturer told us that we do not need to practice walking hard and even it is not necessary to walk every day, but it is important to keep the habit of walking for as many days as possible.
Sports center in the forest of Obihiro. Hidaka mountains seen from the sports center of the forest of Obihiro. The building of the sports center is to the right. The left side area is used for tennis courts from spring to autumn. This photo was taken before the class started.
Dusky thrush on a river side tree, and the horse training in the OUAVM field.
Frozen dam on Urikai river.
Footprints of wild animals passing the frozen river.
Another frozen dam on Urikai river and the scene of Urikai river with riparian trees.
Larch trees beyond the pasture field and my footprints on the snow.
I walk from 1 to 2 hours a day as long as the weather is not so bad. I usually walk in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School and along Kikanko river, Urikai river, and Satsunai river.
Wisteria and elm tree beside Kikanko river and a squirrel on the tree. (January 27)
Museum of Japan Sugar Beet Company seen from the Urikai river bank and from the front side. (January 30)
Scenes in near-by parks after the snow fall.(February 1)
Kikanko river flowing in the forest of Manabino park. (February 1).
Evening glow seen from Kikanko river. (January 30)
Evening glow seen from Kikanko river and the cold mist over the stream of Kikanko river.
Birds on trees. (January 31)
Walking path going up to agricultural high school and a larch tree alley in the field of the school. (February 1)
Walking practice class wearing snow shoes in the forest of Obihiro, beside "Dai-2 Hakurindai" river. (February 2)
Agricultural fields where snow was blown off due to strong wind. (February 3)
The road which has been covered with snow blown from the field. (February 3)
For the people living in the northern region of Japan, especially Hokkaido, snow removal after the snow is unavoidable work. When they have to go to their office, they have to get up early and remove the snow before they leave their home. Now I am retired, and have enough time to remove the snow. However, it was Monday today and I had to go to the university to have a lecture as a part time lecturer, and I had to remove the snow before I left home and after coming back from the university. As the service of Obihiro city does not remove the snow on the side walk, I have to remove the snow on the side walk by myself. The winter in Obihiro is long. We have to wait still two more months until spring comes here.
Removal of snow on the side walk.
Removal of snow in front of the entrance of my house.
On February 9, the lowest temperature in my place (Obihiro, Tokachi) reached as low as -30 degree C in the early morning. At 8:00, it was still -23 degree C in my garden.
2月9日には、帯広地方の最低気温は早朝にマイナス30度C に達しました。朝8時にわが家の庭で気温をチェックしたところまだマイナス23度C でした。
The coldest day, but fine weather in my garden and in the Obihiro airport.
On February 11, I visited Ozora town in Obihiro with my second son, where our children were brought up, and “Mori no yama” (observatory mound) in the forest of Obihiro.
I went out for walking after several days of discontinuance during the coldest days. Along the streams of Kikanko river, there were many footprints of children who played with ice on the stream. In the latter half of my walking path in the forest of agricultural high school, I could find only the footprints of wild animals.
I joined the activity of a volunteer group “Ezorisu no Kai”, which is carrying out various activities to survey and protect wild lives (animals, birds, trees and grasses) in the forest of Obihiro. We conducted the selective deforestation to reduce the numbers of 40 years old Korean Nut Pine which have grown too tall, shading the forest and preventing the growth of other native tree species.
On February 18, last year, we peeled off the bark of Korean Nut Pine trees at the height of chest in 20 - 30 cm width. In a few years from now, these trees will be withered and leaves will fall. We expect that more light will be shed on the forest floor and the growth of native local tree species will be promoted.
On February 17, this year, we felled down the selected needle trees to promote the growth of natural deciduous tree vegetation.
Peeling off the wood skins of selected pine trees on February 18, 2018.
Selective felling of pine trees on February 17, 2019.
Upper two photos: Seeds of Cardiocrinum cordatum scattered on snow. Lower left: Shells of pine seeds eaten by Hokkaido squirrel which dug out them from the ground covered by snow. Lower right: A hole on a tree carved by a woodpecker.
I came home from Myanmar to Obihiro in the afternoon of March 11. As I could not sleep well in the flight, I slept long in my house. In the morning of March 12, I found snow covering our place. My first work in Obihiro was removing the snow.
Also on March 16, we had snow again in Obihiro. I removed the snow around my house after the snow has stopped. However, most of the new snow melted in the afternoon, and I thought that I needed not to remove the snow.
For 5 days since I came home from Myanmar, I had been busy preparing for the meeting of the short-term experts held on March 14. As I was the last short term expert sent to Yezin Agricultural University in the fiscal year, I had such a tight schedule. Yesterday, I summarized my photos taken during my stay in Yezin Agricultural University and uploaded in this homepage (Recent photos No. 246 - 261). I also summarized the data obtained in my training and also uploaded them in the homepage. There are still more works to be done for correcting my teaching materials and for preparing the new materials, but these works will be done little by little from now.
On March 17, Hidaka mountain range was beautifully seen in the morning. Hidaka mountain range is the back bone of Hokkaido island. Sapporo is located beyond these mountains.
On March 18, I walked along the bank of Satsunai river, and on March 19, I walked along Kikanko river and in the forest of agricultural high school. Pheasant's eye was already blooming beside the stream. A fox was resting in the pasture field. Small birds and woodpeckers were active in the forest.
On March 20, graduation ceremony was held in Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine today. I visited the seminar room of the junior course in the afternoon, and met the students whom I taught as a part-time lecturer.
In these 9 days since I came home from Myanmar, the season has changed rapidly from winter to spring in Obihiro.
ミャンマー から3月11日の午後に帯広に帰ってきました。夜行便の機内ではほとんど眠れなかったので、家に帰ってからぐっすりと寝ました。3月12日に起きてみたら、一面雪が降っており、私の帰国後最初の仕事は除雪となりました。
月曜日に帰国して以来、その報告等に忙しい4日間を過ごしました。3月14日には早速帰国報告会がありました。私が今年度最後の派遣専門家だったので、そのようなきついスケジュールになってしまったのです。14日までは報告会のための報告書とパワーポイントの作成をしました。その後は、せっかくの機会だったので、忘れないうちにと思い、3月15日にはミャンマー 滞在中に撮った写真を整理して、このホームページにアップロードしました (Recent photos No. 246 - 261)。オフィシャルな報告のパワーポイントも同時にアップロードしました。イェジン農業大学での研修指導中に得られた実習の結果を整理してpdf ファイルにし、これもアップロードしました。これで帰国後の仕事はほぼ一区切りついたところですが、まだ、研修中に気づいた指導用資料のミスプリントの訂正や、今後の資料の作成などがありますが、これらはゆっくりと行っていきたいと思います。
ミャンマー からの帰国後早くも9日が経とうとしていますが、この間に季節は冬から春へと急速に変化したように感じます。
March 12 - March 14, 2019
March 17, 2019
March 18, 2019
March 19, 2019
Graduation ceremony was held in Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine on March 20, 2019. I visited the seminar room of the junior course in the afternoon, and met the students whom I taught as a part-time lecturer.
As it was warmer than yesterday, I went to the nearby forest to prepare a soil monolith. The profile had been dug since last fall. The soil profile was still frozen and its surface was very hard. I am not sure whether it has been successfully prepared or not. It will also take time before the resin will be hardened. Afterwards, I walked in the forest. I could find the flower stalk of a butterbur (Fuki-no-tou), which is edible.
Soil profile in a forest on a lower terrace near my house on March 25, Obihiro. Resin was applied on the surface of soil to prepare the soil monolith.
Woodpecker "Akagera", flower stalk of butterbur, wild mustard "Yuri-wasabi", water plant "Enkousou".
Dishes cooked from edible wild plants with the tea from Myanmar and Japanese Sake (rice wine). Tempura of "Fukinotou" (flower stalk of butterbur). "Fukinotou" cooked with meat, peanuts and miso. Boiled "Yuri-wasabi" (wild mustard).
On March 28, I went to the nearby forest to peel the soil monolith from the soil profile. As the surface of the profile had been frozen when I applied the resin, the resin did not penetrate into the soil enough and the monolith was not perfect. I am going to repair it by and by.
On March 29, I went to the soil profile site, and divided soil layers and collected some soil samples. A flower of pheasant's eye. Due to its parabolic structure, sun light and heat is concentrated to the central portion of the flower. Pollinator insects are attracted by the heat and pollen of the flower.
On March 30, I walked my routine course looking around the forest floor or along the stream. Swamp ash and walnut trees along the stream with still no leaves. The flow of Kikanko river. The vegetation is richer in the cliff side due to the nutrients flowing down the cliff from the upper terrace.
On March 31, I took a walk after 3:00. I went to see the colony of skunk cabbage near Urikai river. Flower stalks have already emerged, but it was still early for the flowering. The third photo shows a water plant, Caltha palustris var. barthei, along the Kikanko river.
I passed by the soil profile site again. In the other soil pit, gravel layer is obvious below the orange colored volcanic ash layer.
On April 8, I brought the students of junior course to the soil profile site for the class of soil science and plant nutrition practice. We observed two soil profiles there.
Comparison of the two soil profiles on April 8. Alluvial layer was more stony in the left soil profile.
Spring is coming step by step, but sometimes it snows again. It is usual here in Obihiro until early May.
Woodpecker "Akagera", wild mustard "Yuri-wasabi, and flower stalk of butterbur."
It snowed again on April 3. The temperature in the early morning decreased to minus 15.
Flower bud of willow, Caltha palstris, Wasabia tenuis, Urtica platyphylla.
This wetland is a part of the branch of Kikanko river very near to my house. I have not noticed this wetland until April 7, because it was hidden behind the bush beyond the pasture field. The lower photo is the white birch trees beside the pasture field.
I visited a small stream near my house and found skunk cabbage flowers have bloomed at last on April 12.
I took a walk this evening (April 14). In the daytime, I worked in my garden to remove the snow-protector from the garden plants. In the fields, plants are growing rapidly due to the warm temperature.
Day of white on April 15. It rained in the morning, and hailed in the evening, but it was warm and fine in the afternoon. I played mini-volleyball, then had a class of soil science and plant nutrition practice. In between, I could see white squirrel, white flower of wild mustard (Yuri-wasabi), and a mother and baby of white horse.
Anemone raddeana on the bank of Satsunai river. One of the spring ephemeral flowers in Hokkaido. It became suddenly very hot today, though cherry has not bloomed here. I took off my jacket and trainer during walking (April 17).
札内川堤防で見たアズマイチゲ。まだ桜も咲いていないのに今日は急に気温が上がったため、上着とトレーナーを脱いで散歩しました (4月17日)。
Cardamine scutata and Draba nemorosa in the road side (April 17).
道端のタネツケバナとイヌナズナ (4月17日)。
Snow again in the morning of April 27.
On April 20, I joined the activity of biological survey along the Utsubetsu river flowing in Obihiro city organized by the Obihiro Centennial Museum. Various fishes and insects were collected. Some of them were rare and environmentally important. A river improvement work is planned for this river in the near future. I hope the work will not affect the rich biota in this river.
Upper photo: Stone loach, lower photo: Three-spined stickleback.
Upper photo: Sakhaline stickleback, lower photo: Signal crayfish.
Upper photo: Larva of dragon fly (Comphidae), lower photo: Stenopsyche marmorata.
Upper photo: Eggs of frog (Rana pirica), lower photo: Corixidae.
Upper photo: flower of elm, lower photo: flower of cherry (in front of the Centennial Museum of Obihiro).
Next day, I visited the original point of Utsubetsu river in Beppu town, Obihiro. There is a joint point of an open ditch and a river in the field. The downstream from this point is defined as Utsubetsu river by the office of Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau.
Upper:Joint point of an open ditch and the Utsubetsu river.Lower left:Open ditch part. Lower right: Down stream from the joint point. Utsubetsu river officially starts from here.
Upper:Mt. Tokachi-poroshiri viewed from Beppu town. Lower left:Upperstream from a bridge near the joint point. Lower right: Downstream from a bridge near the joint point.
Hidaka mountain range viewed from the original point of Utsubetsu river in Beppu town, Obihiro, on April 21.
Hidaka mountain range viewed from the pasture field of Obihiro University of Veterinary Medicine on April 23.
Hidaka mountain range viewed from the pasture field of Obihiro University of Veterinary Medicine on April 23.
In the afternoon of April 21, I joined the survey of frog eggs along "Dai 2 Hakurindai" river. I could also enjoy various wetland flowers in early spring.
下:ミズバショウ満開。Full bloom of skunk cabbage flowers.
I started to prepare the mini-monolith using the samples collected from the lower terrace in the Obihiro Agricultural High School forest in the end of March.
4月26日、制作開始後3日目。 最後に2AB層を貼り付けた。
Soil profiles in the lower terrace in the Obihiro Agricultural High School forest
Though it snowed at the start of golden week (April 27), temperature increased thereafter, and various flowers started to bloom.
5月4日、真鍋庭園、不思議の森の物語 1。
5月4日、真鍋庭園、不思議の森の物語 2。
5月5日、途別町のカルメル会修道院と、道路脇の崖に芽生えたオオウバユリ の群落。
Carmelite convent at Tobetsu village in Tokachi.
5月10日、売買川沿いのオオウバユリ の群落とアキタブキ。
5月10日、売買川沿いのユキザサ の群落。
5月10日、売買川沿いのミツバツチグリ(?)とフデリンドウ。 ユキザサの根元に生えていたキノコ。
5月10日、機関庫川沿いのシャク。 川沿いに生えていたコハリスゲ。
Pyrola asarifolia ssp. incarnata in the forest of Obihiro on May 11.
5月12日、 森の交流館前の広場とカシワの新葉(上)、ミズナラの新葉とその花蕾(下)。
New leaves of oaks (Kashiwa and Mizunara) on May 12.
5月12日、 帯広の森の中のオオバナノエンレイソウの群落。
Community of Trillium camschatcence on May 12.
5月12日、 帯広の森の中のニリンソウ(上)とレンプクソウ(下)。
Community of Anemone flaccida (upper) and Adoxa moschtellina (lower) on May 12.
5月12日、 帯広の森の中のカサスゲ。
Community of sedges (Carex dispalata) on May 12.
5月12日、 帯広の森の中のヒトリシズカ、ミズバショウ、オクエゾサイシン。
Chloranthus japonicus, Lysichiton cantschatcense, and Asarum heterotropoides (lower 2 photos) on May 12.
5月12日、 帯広の森の中のミヤマスミレ(上)、スグリの仲間(左下)、キジムシロ(右下)。
Viola selkirkii (upper 2 photos, white and violet), a kind of Ribes (lower left) and Potentilla sprengeliana (lower right) on May 12.
5月17日、 帯広の森の中の散歩道(上)、5月12日、森の交流館前の広場(下)。
Walking path in the forest of Obihiro on May 17, lawn and trees in front of JICA Obihiro center on May 12.
5月14日、 機関庫川沿いの花。タチスボスミレ(上)、ユスラウメ?(下)
Flowers along Kikanko river on May 14.
5月14日、 真鍋庭園の花。マイヅルソウ(上)、ムスカリの花壇(下)。
Flowers in the Manabe Garden on May 14.
5月14日、 真鍋庭園の花。左上不明、シャクナゲ(右上)、左下不明、メギ(右下)
Flowers in the Manabe Garden on May 14.
5月14日、 真鍋庭園のカエデとポプラ並木。
Maples and poplars in the Manabe Garden on May 14.
5月14日、 真鍋庭園のシダレヤナギ。
A large willow tree in the Manabe Garden on May 14.
5月14日、 庭の花。ミニバラの芽(左上)、オダマキ(右上)、クロユリ(左下)、アジュガ・レプタンス(右下)
Flowers in my garden on May 14.
5月15日、 野菜の苗の移植と庭の花。寒冷紗を被せた花壇とシバザクラ(左上)、アスチルベの苗(右上)、ブドウの芽(左下)、リンゴ(王林)の花(右下)
Planting vegetable seedlings and flowers in my garden on May 15.
5月16日、 帯広グリーンパークの散歩道(上)と野草園中央部(下)。
Walking path in the Green Park of Obihiro on May 16, and the central portion of the wild grass garden on May 16.
5月16日、 シラネアオイ(左上)、カタクリ(右上)、オオバナノエンレイソウ(左下)、ツボスミレ(右下)。
Glaucidium palmatum Siebold et Zucc. etc. on May 16.
5月16日、 ミツバツチグリ(左上)、キジムシロ(右上)、エゾタンポポ(左下、右下)。
Potentilla flowers (upper left and right), and the dandelion indigenous to Hokkaido (lower left and right) on May 16.
5月16日、 クルマバツクバネソウ(左上)、ネムロブシダマ(右上)、タチスボスミレ(左下)、スゲ(右下)。
Flowers in the wild grass garden on May 16.
5月16日、 野草園のツルウメモドキ(上)と百年記念館北側池付近のエゾノリュウキンカとミズバショウ(下)。
Trees and flowers in the green park on May 16.
5月18日、 庭のリンゴの木の植え替え(左上)、リンゴの木の根元のクロユリ(右上)、掘り上げたリンゴの木(左下)、新しいリンゴの木、アルプス乙女(右下)。
Planting new apple tree in my garden on May 18.
5月18日、 農業高校の森で見たサクラスミレ(上)とタチスボスミレ(下)。
Two kinds of violets in the forest of agricultural high school on May 18.
5月18日、 農業高校の森で見たチョウセンゴミシ(上)とクサソテツ(下)。
in the forest of agricultural high school on May 18.
5月18日、 農業高校の森で見たスズラン(左上)とオオアマドコロ(右上)、名称不明の灌木の花(下)。
in the forest of agricultural high school on May 18.
5月18日、 農業高校の森で見たオオアマドコロ(上)、機関庫川沿いの住宅と満月(下)。
in the forest of agricultural high school on May 18.
5月19日、 航空法伐採跡地におけるモヤわけ作業。
Selective cutting of the shoots of oak stubbles in the forest of Obihiro on May 19.
5月19日、 十勝坊主地点のサクラスミレ(上)、ミツバツチグリ(左下)、ゼンマイ(右下)。
in the forest of OUAVM on May 19.
5月19日、 十勝坊主地点の地形(上下とも)。
in the forest of OUAVM on May 19.
5月19日、 十勝坊主地点の林内(上)、アキタブキ(左下)、アキカラマツ(右下)。
in the forest of OUAVM on May 19.
5月19日、 売買川堤防(上)、エゾノタチスボスミレ(下)。
on the bank of Urikai river on May 19.
5月19日、 売買川堤防(上)、コウライテンナンショウの芽生え(下)。
on the bank of Urikai river on May 19.
5月19日、 ユキザサの花(上)、セントウソウの花(下)。
on the bank of Urikai river on May 19.
5月19日、 ムラサキケマン(左上)、キジムシロ(右上)、クサノオウ(下2枚)。
on the bank of Urikai river on May 19.
5月19日、 売買川の堰(上)、堤防の散歩道(下)。
on the bank of Urikai river on May 19.
5月19日、 農業高校のカラマツ並木(上)、湿地林のオオバナノエンレイソウ(下)。
in the campus field of Obihiro Agricultural High School on May 19.
5月19日、 機関庫川沿いのオニグルミの花(上)、まなびの公園のエゾノコリンゴ(下)。
Kikanko river on May 19.
5月20日、 別科実習の土壌見学で十勝坊主および売り買い川堤防を訪れました(上)。十勝坊主に咲いていたツボスミレとキャンパス内のワスレナグサ(下)。
I visited again the Tokachi bouzu site and the bank of Urikai river with junior course students on May 20.
5月22日、 札内川東岸の堤防をサイクリングしました。写真は愛国大橋と南帯橋です。
I rode a bicycle on the eastern bank of Satsunai river on May 23. Photos are the views from Aikoku-ohashi bridge and Nantai bridge.
5月22日、 札内川東岸の堤防をサイクリングしました。写真はジャガイモが発芽し始めた農家さんの圃場です。
I rode a bicycle on the eastern bank of Satsunai river on May 23. Photos are the agricultural fields where potato has started to germinate.
5月24日、 真鍋庭園を訪問しました。マイヅルソウ他。以下5セット同じ。
I visited Manabe garden on May 24. The same for the following 5 sets of photos.
5月24日、 真鍋庭園を訪問しました。シャクナゲ、ユキザサ。
I visited Manabe garden on May 24.
5月24日、 真鍋庭園を訪問しました。オオアマドコロと庭園の池。
I visited Manabe garden on May 24.
5月24日、 真鍋庭園を訪問しました。オオサクラソウとカエデ並木。
I visited Manabe garden on May 24.
5月24日、 真鍋庭園を訪問しました。キビタキとカエデ並木。
I visited Manabe garden on May 24.
5月24日、 真鍋庭園を訪問しました。シダレヤナギとウッドデッキ。右下の写真は去年までのウッドデッキとハシゴ。
I visited Manabe garden on May 24. A large willow tree and its wood deck. Lowe right photo shows the one until last year.
5月25日、 農業高校の森で。シラカバ並木、カシワの新葉、チョウセンゴミシの花。
I visited the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School on May 25.
5月25日、 農業高校の森で。スズラン。
I visited the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School on May 25.
5月25日、 農業高校の森で。ツメクサ、ユキザサ。
I visited the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School on May 25.
5月25日、 農業高校の森で。コウライテンナンショウ。
I visited the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School on May 25.
5月25日、 農業高校の森で。エゾノジャニンジン、コンロンソウ。
I visited the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School on May 25.
5月25日、 農業高校の森で。エゾノタチツボスミレ。
I visited the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School on May 25.
5月26日、 フェーン現象で十勝の気温は急上昇、全国1位の気温となりました。写真上段は5月26日の14時45分に39.1℃を示したわが家の庭の温度計です。気温は5月27日も高く、畜大の別科圃場で14時15分に34℃を示していました。
The temperature in Tokachi rose extremely high due to the foehn phenomenon on May 26. In my garden, it was 39.1 at 14:45. On may 27, the temperature was still high. It was 33.4 ℃ at 14:15 in the experiment field of the junior course of OUAVM.
5月27日、 気温は高かったですが、別科圃場で実習を行いました。土壌断面の作成とジャガイモ圃場の除草を行いました。
On May 27, I guided the field practice of junior course. We made a soil profile and removed the weeds in the potato field.
5月28日、 気温は20℃以下となり快適に過ごすことができました。私は農業高校の森に散歩にいきました。先週の土曜日には見られなかったギンラン、ベニバナノイチヤクソウ、ゼンテイカなどが咲いていました。
On May 28, the temperature decreased to lower than 20 degree C and it was very comfortable. I walked in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. I could find the flowers which were not blooming on last Saturday (May 25).
5月28日、 気温は20℃以下となり快適に過ごすことができました。私は農業高校の森に散歩にいきました。先週の土曜日には見られなかったギンラン、ベニバナノイチヤクソウ、ゼンテイカなどが咲いていました。
On May 28, the temperature decreased to lower than 20 degree C and it was very comfortable. I walked in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. I could find the flowers which were not blooming on last Saturday (May 25).
5月28日、 気温は20℃以下となり快適に過ごすことができました。私は農業高校の森に散歩にいきました。先週の土曜日には見られなかったギンラン、ベニバナノイチヤクソウ、ゼンテイカなどが咲いていました。
On May 28, the temperature decreased to lower than 20 degree C and it was very comfortable. I walked in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. I could find the flowers which were not blooming on last Saturday (May 25).
Until last year, we could see "Chigoyuri" (Disporum smilacinum) here, but this place has been mown recently. A professor who lived near here prevented the mowing while she was teaching at the university, but she has retired this spring and left this place. After mowing, this place will be covered by dandelion. It is pity.
5月28日、 畜大の別科圃場では土壌断面を少し掘りました。左下は別科圃場脇のカキドオシ。右下は馬の母子。
On May 28, I dug further the soil profile pit.
5月28日、 帰りはまた農業高校の森の中の道を通って帰ってきました。左上:不明、右上:ヤマガラシ(?)、左下:オオアマドコロ、右下:ベニバナノイチヤクソウ。
On May 28, I took the route in the forest of the agricultural high school on my way home.
5月28日、 上段の写真:畜大官舎付近の草むらに咲いていたサクラソウ。このサクラソウも草刈りの影響でほとんど見られなくなってしまいました。下段の写真:わが家の庭のクレマチスが咲き始めました。
On May 28, wild primula in the bush near the staff housings of OUAVM. This flower has also become rare due to the mowing (upper 2 photos). Clematis has started to bloom in my garden.
5月29日、 帯広では早朝から午後3時頃まで雨が降りました。久しぶりの雨なので、植物も人も喜んでいます。右下の写真の木(中段の木、クロミサンザシ?)には5月中旬に白い花が咲くはずなのですが、今年は咲きませんでした。去年の黒い実がまだ少し木に残っています。小鳥が好きな実なので、今年実がならないと小鳥は困るだろうと思います。
On May 29, it rained from early morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Not only plants but also people are happy with the rain, as it rained after many days.
5月29日、 久しぶりの雨でまなびの公園のスミレも綺麗にさいていました。
On May 29, violets in the "Manabino" park bloomed beautifully due to the rain.
5月29日、 機関庫川沿いのヤチダモの木やオニグルミの木の写真です。
On May 29, swamp ash trees and walnut trees along the Kikanko river.
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On May 17, I lectured "Natural history and Agriculture in Tokachi, Hokkaido as revealed in soils" for the Soil Diagnosis Course participants of JICA this morning. I also accompanied them to the centennial museum of Obihiro, where Mr. Ikeda , the curator of the museum explained us nicely the exhibitions in the museum. One of the participants was the graduate of YAU, Myanmar.
研修員のうちの一人はミャンマーのYezin 農業大学の卒業生で、今年の2月から3月に私がYAUを訪問したときのカウンターパートの先生たちのこともよく知っているとのことでした。
In front of the JICA Obihiro Center (upper photo), and in the Centennial Museum of Obihiro, attending the briefing by the curator, Mr. Ikeda. (lower photo)。
Exhibitions in the museum telling the life in the development age in Tokachi.
Soil monolith at the Shimaki excavation site in Kami-Shihoro town.
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From May 6 to 22, I observed the flowering of various violets during my walk. Flowering dates shift according to variety.
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In the junior course field, I am conducting soil profile survey, and crop cultivation. Potato is growing well, though the planting of seed potato was delayed one week due to the long golden week. Performance of beans and radish is not good due to the very dry and hot weather during the past three weeks. Preparation of soil monolith was carried out on June 4. Flowers seen in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School are also added. Season of white flowers is coming to end.
バレイショの種イモの播種はゴールデンウィークのために1週間遅れましたが、発芽は揃いました。大豆やダイコンはこの3週間の感想と高温のため、発芽や生育があまりよくありません。 農業高校の森で見た花と新緑の写真も載せます。白い花の季節はそろそろ終わりに近づいています。
6月1日、大豆(音更大袖振と黒豆)の発芽。 発芽率は20%程度と非常に悪いので、6月2日に追播しました。
6月1日、花豆の発芽。花豆は種が大きいためか、乾燥と高温にも関わらず無事に発芽しました。発芽率80%。 ダイコンは5月13日に播いた種がほとんど発芽しなかったため、5月22日に播き直しました。
6月2日、農業高校の森で見たオオアマドコロとギンラン。 下の写真はわが家の玄関先に咲いたジャコウアオイ。
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