Photos taken on February 25, 2019. 2019年2月25日に撮った写真
The first photo shows Mt. Fuji from the window of my flight just after leaving Haneda airport on February 24. Second photo is the guesthouse where I stayed. The third photo is a tall tree near the guesthouse. There was a nest of bees in the high position. Many birds were also found.
4枚目の写真はYAU-JICA-TCP オフィスがある講義実験棟の建物です。
The fourth photo is the lecture and experiment building where YAU-JICA TCP office is located.
I conducted four lectures/practices per day. In the tea break, many snacks were served.. The fourth photo shows the dishes served in the welcome party. The left soup was very hot.
Photos taken on February 26, 2019. 2019年2月26日に撮った写真
I woke up very early due to the time difference between Japan (2 hours and thirty minutes). I walked around the YAU campus and village from 6 o'clock. I attended the office at 8 o'clock, but there was a special lecture for students from 9, and my lecture started from 10.
朝の散歩中に見た花の写真です。 下の2つの写真:ブーゲンビリア。Lower two photos: Bougainvillia spectabilis.
Soils and Water Departmentの看板。YAU-JICA TCP オフィス方面から大学の中心方向を眺めたところ。下の2つの写真は大学の食堂付近に生えていた高い木。赤い花が咲き、鳥がたくさん来て蜜を吸っていました。あとで調べたところ、木棉(キワタ)、攀枝花(パンヂーホワ)らしい。
Sign board of Soils and Water Department. View of the department buildings. Lower 2 photos show a tall tree with red flowers. Many birds came to the tree. The name of the tree (maybe), Bombax ceiba, Kapok tree or Red silk cotton.
The first photo shows the students going back to their dormitory during the lunch break. The second and third photo show the main YAU building. The fourth photo shows the temple in the university, named "Tamayo".
Photos taken on February 27, 2019. 2019年2月27日に撮った写真
Also on February 27, I woke up early and started walking from 6. I woke up early almost everyday during my stay.
Fried bread bought during my walk. There was a small pagoda around 2 km north from my guesthouse. A village woman was washing clothes in the irrigation canal.
There was a tall tree with orange colored flowers and many birds came. The season was the dry season, and flowers bloomed before the leaves emerged. It is same for Japanese flowers like Kobushi or cherry. Lower left: Nerium oleander.
Students who came before 8 and waiting the door of class room is opened. Nest of ants woven by tree leaves. Ants inside are edible. Chickens on the roadside. Nursery garden of Teak trees.
Water pots beside the street offered to passengers. Fire in the garden. Leaf-litters are often burnt like this.
左上:Forestry Department の入口の門。右上:シロアリの塚。左下:大きな木にからまって咲いていたブーゲンビリア。右下:マメ科の黄色い花。
Upper left:The gate of Forestry Department, upper right:The tower of termite.
Lower left:Bougainvillea on a tall tree,
Lower right:Yellow legume flowers. Tabebuia chrysantha (Golden tree, Trumpet tree).
As there was a special seminar by Prof. Y. Kato from Tokyo university in the afternoon, my lecture started from 3 in the afternoon. From 12:00 to 14:30, I walked to the campus of the Forestry Department. I wanted to see the Yezin dam, but I could not, because I had no map. Actually I reached very near to the Yezin dam.
By walking straight the road in the third photo, we can see the Yezin dam. Prof. Y. Kato had been a staff of IRRI for 5 years. He took the role of briefing to Japanese Emperor and Her Majesty the Empress when they visited IRRI. Upper left flower: Pride of Barbados or Caesalpinia pulcherrima.
Photos taken on February 28, 2019. 2019年2月28日に撮った写真
2月28日は6時半頃から村のお寺と市場に行きました。市場ではもち米のケーキ状のもの、揚げパン、みかんなどを買いました。仕事が終わったあとには、鹿児島大学の濱中先生、コーディネーターの岡崎さん、カウンターパートのSwe Swe Mar さんらと、ネピドーのウッパタサンティパゴダを見に行きました。その帰りに大きな大仏がある寺院も参拝しました。お寺の名前はBawdipatkiyaでした。
On February 28, I visited a temple in the village and went to the market to buy breakfast. After the office time in the evening, I visited the Uppatasanti Pagoda in Nay Pyi Daw accompanied by Dr. Hamanaka, Mr. Okazaki and Dr. Swe Swe Mar and another YAU lady professor. In the return way, we also visited another temple, Bawdipatkiya, with a big Buddha statue and many Buddha statues made in different styles in various countries.
Yezin の大学村にあるお寺。 A temple in the Yezin village.
Yezin の村市場。土壌断面の下見。 A market in Yezin village. Pre-investigation of the soil profile.
ウッパタサンティパゴダ Uppatasanti Pagoda
パゴダの内部の壁にはお釈迦様の生涯を示したレリーフがたくさん飾ってありました。パゴダの周囲にはいくつもの仏像があって、それぞれ誕生日の曜日ごとに参拝すべき仏像が決まっています。該当する仏像に水をかけて参拝しました。 There were many relieves showing the life of Buddha on the wall inside the Pagoda. There were also many Buddha statues surrounding the Pagoda. People pray for the specific statue which is determined by the week's day when they were born.
コメント: わー綺麗! これはなんの建物なんですか?
ご返事: これはパゴダというもので、中に仏様をお祀りし、お祈りができるようになっています。
コメント: パゴダ!こんな荘厳な雰囲気の建物でお祈りしたら熱心にやってしまいますね!><
ご返事: 引率してくれたYAUの先生たちもとても熱心にお祈りしておられました。
パゴダの内部の壁にはお釈迦様の生涯を示したレリーフがたくさん飾ってありました。パゴダの周囲にはいくつもの仏像があって、それぞれ誕生日の曜日ごとに参拝すべき仏像が決まっています。該当する仏像に水をかけて参拝しました。(同上) There were many relieves showing the life of Buddha on the wall inside the Pagoda. There were also many Buddha statues surrounding the Pagoda. People pray for the specific statue which is determined by the week's day when they were born. (same as above)
大仏があるお寺(Bawdipatkiya)と世界各地の様式の仏像。 The temple (Bawdipatkiya) with the big Buddha statue.
In the early morning on March 1, I walked to the experiment field of YAU to see the soil survey site. It was around 3 km far from the guesthouse.
1枚目と2枚目は朝の散歩中に撮った写真です。土壌断面の拡大写真も載せました。斑紋がたくさんあることと、乾いてひび割れていることが特徴でした。 The soil profile was featured by cracks and mottles.
3月1日の9時には、濱中先生の閉講式が行われました。私よりも1週間早く来られて始めておられました。 From 9 in the morning, the closing ceremony for Prof. Hamanaka was held. He started in YAU one week earlier than me.
午前中の方が気温が低いので、9時半から圃場での土壌断面観察実習を行いました。土壌断面観察に関連した講義は午後から行いました。 I conducted the field soil profile survey from 9:30, because it is cooler in the morning. The lecture was done in the afternoon.
土壌断面観察実習中の写真。3枚目の写真は最後に土壌断面に水をかけて湿った色にして写したものです。 Photos during the field soil profile survey. The third photo was taken after splashing water on the soil profile to see its wet color.
3月2日から3月3日にかけては、東京農工大の豊田剛巳先生とYAU教員のYu Yu Min 先生に同行して、Kyauksei (チョウセイ)にゴマ栽培土壌の見学とサンプリングおよびYAU Kyauksei キャンパスの訪問に行きました。Kyouksei ではホテルに1泊しました。3月3日はKyauksei の山の上にあるパゴダを参拝し、すぐに帰路について、12時半頃にはYAUに帰ってきました。
From March 2 to 3, I made a field trip to Kyauksei accompanying Prof. Toyota and Dr. Yu Yu Min. They wanted to survey and collect soil samples in the sesame field of farmers. We visited also the YAU Kyauksei campus and stayed in a hotel in Kyauksei.
Kyauksei に向かう前にいつものように早朝の散歩をしました。この日はYezin村の北の集落の中を通り、旧国道1号線に出てから帰ってきました。写真は、日本の桐に似た木。国道沿いの大きな木。旧国道1号線の風景。MaUTaw 村の入口にあった看板。この村のすぐ近くに土壌断面を作った地点がありますが、村や国道から大学の試験圃場に入ることは、フェンスや用水路があったため、できませんでした。
Before leaving for Kyauksei, I made a morning walk as usual. I passed through the village to the north of Yezin, came out to the old national highway No.1, and came back to the guest house. There were big trees along the national highway. I found also the sign board of Ma U Taw village, which is located near to my soil profile site. From the village or national highway, I could not enter the experiment farm due to the fence and the canal.
Kyauksei に向かう途中、メーティーラという町で食べた昼食。私はエビカレーというものを注文しましたが、あまりカレーの味はしませんでした。メイティーラ付近では、綿花、ニンニク、玉ねぎ、トマト、豆類などが栽培されているそうです。
These photos show my lunch at Meiktila.
ゴマ農家さんの庭先で説明を受けているところ。YAU Kyauksei キャンパスのスタッフ(若い男性と女性)がお世話してくれました。
The young staffs of YAU Kyauksei campus took care of us in the field.
Kyauksei の農家圃場。左上:ゴマを播種する前の畑。右上:畑の隅の土の様子。左下:トウカラシの畑。右下:トマトの畑。 Farmer's field in Kyauksei. Upper left: Upland field before sowing sesame seed. Upper right: Soil in the edge of the field. Lower left: Field of chili. Lower right: Field of tomato.
Kyauksei の農家圃場。ヤギの群れを見ました。畑の向こうに見える大きな木の名前を農家さんに聞いたところ、レッパンというと教えてくれました。赤い花が咲いてとても綺麗だが今年はもう終わったとのことでした。種が風で飛ぶそうです。 Farmer's field in Kyauksei. I could see a crowd of goats. The two big trees are Bombax ceiba, Kapok tree or Red silk cotton tree.
YAU Kyauksei Out-reach Campus の訪問。 Visiting the YAU Kyauksei campus.
3月3日はKyauksei の山の上にあるパゴダを参拝し、すぐに帰路について、12時半頃にはYAUに帰ってきました。
On March 3, we visited a Pagoda on the top of a hill in Kyauksei, and came back to YAU already at 12:30.
I walked in the campus as I came back to YAU early. Lowe left: Carissa grandiflora (Boxwood beauty), Lower right flower: Tabebuia chrysatha (Golden tree or Trumpet tree).
I could see the Yezin dam at last.
ゲストハウス内のヤモリ。お寺の境内の鶏。崩したシロアリの巣。ミャンマー の缶ビール。
Gekko in the guest house, chickens in the yard of a village temple, broken nest of termites, canned beer in Myanmar.
On March 4, I took breakfast in a Shan noodle shop.
From 9:30, I had a lecture on the simple soil analysis, then carried out the practice for soil color and soil texture determination, and soil mini-monolith preparation.
Practice on soil mini-monolith preparation.
The practice of simple soil analysis by the "Midorikun" kit (upper photo). The results of soil color and texture by groups (lower photo).
I went to lunch with Drs. Yoshimura and Watanabe. On the return way, we took photos in front of the soil profile.
I went to the experiment field also in the evening. The evening glow was beautiful. The lighting of Pagoda was shown in the fourth photo.
The students' field practice was already conducted in the paddy field even before 7:00.
The lower two photos show the upper part of the investigated soil profile. The right side photo is the close view of the upper central part of the left photo. Soil layers are disturbed due to the plowing activity.
朝の最初の授業では土壌ミニモノリスの仕上げをしました。クリヤーニスは手に入らなかったので、ボンド (ATM Adhesive Latex A9000) を5倍希釈した液で表面を固定しました。
For the surface treatment of the soil mini monolith, I used the 5 times diluted glue (ATM Adhesive Latex A9000) instead of the clear varnish which was not available here.
3月6日の早朝はDAR (農業研究所)方面から用水路沿いの堤防の上を散歩し、村の中に入りました。貧しいながらも平和そうな村人の生活を見ることができました。
In the morning of March 6, I walked along the bank of the irrigation canal from the side of DAR. I entered the village, and could see the life of village people.
Walk along the bank and in the village.
A dog resting in the road side. Mr Okazaki, our coordinator, watering banana beside his house. Lower right photo: Tridax procumbens (coatbuttons, Tridax daisy).
Results of simple and rapid soil analysis and the explanation of soil classification on a white board.
Explanation of the soil profile in the YAU upland field near Ma U Taw village. pdf
On March 7, I made a lecture on the global dynamics of carbon related to the climate change as well as a seminar on an important literature on this subject.
お昼やすみには、吉村先生、九州大学の安井先生とともに、ピンマナのミャンマー 料理店に昼ご飯を食べに行きました。
In the lunch time, I went to Pinmana for lunch with Prof. Yoshimura and his colleague, Prof. Yasui from Kyushu University.
In the afternoon, I continued the seminar. After the seminar, I taught them how to make crane and crow with Origami (Japanese colored square paper). In the evening, YAU staffs offered me a farewell party. The lower left photo shows my two counter-part teachers, Daw NangEi Mon The and Daw Ei Phyu Win.
On March 8, we conducted the closing ceremony with the GIS group from 9:30. After the closing ceremony, I had a lecture on the global dynamics of nitrogen and the seminar on the important literatures. Finally, my trainees gave me longyi and traditional Myanmar style shirts. I wore them, and took photos with my trainees. In the evening, I attended the Quartette Concert on the international woman's day donated by the Italian Embassy at Kempinski Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw.
Closing ceremony.
Photo with GIS and Soil groups together.
Photo with my trainees.
I wore longyi.
Photo with my trainees wearing longyi.
Quartette Concert on the international woman's day donated by the Italian Embassy at Kempinski Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. The coordinator Mr. H. Okazaki accompanied me to the concert.
With the lady professors and teachers of YAU.
Other photos taken on March 7 and 8. I am teaching "Origami" after the class (March 7). Photo with trainees wearing Longyi. Reading my message in the closing ceremony. Scene in the seminar time.
3月9日の朝もキャンパス内および試験圃場を散歩し、その後吉村先生にDAR のSeed Bank およびTatkon 方面の農村と農地を案内して頂きました。
On March 9, I walked in the campus and the experiment farm in the morning. From 10, Prof. Yoshimura guided me in the Seed Bank facility of DAR, and the farmers' fields in Tatkon area.
早朝のキャンパスと圃場の散歩。左上:キャンパス内のお寺「タマヨ」、他の3枚は農場。右下はPeltophorum dasyrachis
Walking in the campus in the early morning. Lower right: Peltophorum dasyrachis
早朝のキャンパスと圃場の散歩。 上2つ:大学YAU のConvocation Hall と国旗。下2つは農場。ちょうど日が昇ってきたところとヤシの木。
Walking in the campus in the early morning. Upper two photos: Convocation Hall of YAU and the national flag of Myanmar.
I visited the soil profile site again. An employee of the experiment farm, who kindly dug the soil profile for us, was already working in the field even before 7. He put bamboo poles on the corner of the soil pit so that we can find the site easily next time.
DAR のSeed Bank の見学。吉村先生はここでの研究プロジェクトの責任者もしておられます。
Visited the Seed Bank in DAR. Prof. Yoshimura is responsible for the project in this institute.
Tatkon 方面の圃場見学。 牛の移動。焼いた畑から再生してきたサトウキビ。バナナ。ネギ畑。
Visiting the fields in Tatkon. Moving cows. Sugarcane regrown from the burnt field, banana, leek field.
Tatkon 方面の圃場見学。道路を行進する牛や羊。下の写真はサトウキビ畑と直播の水田。
Visiting the fields in Tatkon. Cows and goats marching the road. Sugarcane field and direct seeded paddy field.
Tatkon 方面の圃場見学。フジマメ(Lablab purpureus)を畑で収穫する婦人たち。 熟した豆だけを手で摘んでいます。考えてみれば、とてもヘルシーな豆になります。
Visiting the fields in Tatkon. The women harvesting Lablab-bean (hyacinth bean) in the field.
3月10日はいよいよYezin を去る日となりました。思い出に少し長めの散歩をしました。まず、シャンヌードル店に行ったところ、土壌断面調査に来て頂いたYAU の先生たちに会いました。一緒に朝食をとり、その後あちこちを散歩しました。イェジンダムにもまた行きました。その後は帰国報告の準備などをしながら出発に備えました。
March 10 was the day when I left Yezin. In the morning, I made a long walk in the campus. At first, I had breakfast in the Shan noodle shop, where I met the teachers of YAU who attended my soil profile survey class. I visited also the Yezin dam again. After coming back to the guesthouse, I prepared the report of my activities in YAU.
Disposed notebook of students on the river bank. A dam on the canal. A corn field.
Yezin dam and a temple and a village below the dam.
Yezin dam and a temple and a village below the dam.
コメント: 異国のお寺、めっちゃ興味あります。
ご返事: ダムの真下にあるので、ダムを守るために作られたのではないかと思います。
Upper two photos: Peltophorum pterocarpum (Yellow Poinciana), lower two photos: Butea monosperma (Flame of the forest).
A lady student reading her notebook under a tree preparing for the examination. Upper right flower: Allamanda cathartica, Golden Trumpet, Lower right tree flower: Cassia bakeriana (Pink Cassia).
The gate of the Forestry Department. A temple in the campus, called "Tamayo". The garden where I found a snake. A dog of my neighborhood.