First day of my stay in YAU on February 24. Visiting Uppatasanti Pagoda in the afternoon. 研修初日(2月24日)に撮った写真。午後はウッパタサンティパゴダを訪問。
Due to the special seminar in YAU which all teachers and graduate students have to attend, I could not start my lecture and practice from Feb. 24. Therefore, I prepared for my practices in the morning, and visited Uppatasanti pagoda in the afternoon. 講義および実習の準備。当初2月24日から講義開始の予定であったが、YAUの教員および院生が全員出席しなくてはならない特別セミナーが急遽終日開催されることになり、当日は準備日とした。午後にはウッパタサンティパゴダを訪問した。
The guest house of YAU where I stayed and the view of surrounding area. 滞在したゲストハウスとその周辺の様子。長期専門家用の住居を利用させて頂いたのでとても広かったです。広いリビングルームとベッドルーム兼書斎1部屋、家族用ベッドルーム2部屋、台所、バスルームがありました。
Uppatasanti Pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw. ウッパタサンティパゴダ。
A group of young Paoh people from Shan state who are going to worship the Uppatasanti Pagoda. ウッパタサンティパゴダに参詣するシャン州パオ族の若者たち。
Trees and flowers in YAU campus. Butea monosperma (upper two), Bombax ceiba (lower left) and Bougenvillea (lower right). YAUキャンパス内の木の花。ハナモツヤクノキ とキワタとブーゲンビリア。
Walked around the field of YAU and the long slope in front of the YAU main building. YAU圃場とYAU正面の坂付近を散歩。
Second day of my stay in YAU on February 25. My lecture and practice started from the morning. 研修2日日(2月25日)に撮った写真。講義と実習を開始しました。
0. Opening ceremony, Self-introduction. Four seasons in Obihiro.
0-1) Greeting given in 2020. pdf0-1
0-2) Message in the opening ceremony given in 2020 (1). pdf0-2
0-3) Message in the opening ceremony given in 2020 (2). pdf0-3
0-4) Message in the opening ceremony given in 2020 (3). pdf0-4
0-5) Message in the opening ceremony given in 2020 (4). pdf0-5
1. Origin of Soil and Human Culture. 土壌の起源と人類文明 pdf-1
2. Soil and human health. 土壌と人類の健康 pdf-2
3. Use of Soil in Human Life. 人間生活における土の利用 pdf-3
4-1) Environment and Soil. 環境と土壌の関わり(Part 1) pdf-4-1
4-2) Environment and Soil. 環境と土壌の関わり(Part 2) pdf-4-2
Slides of world soils by FAO/UNESCO classification system. 世界の土壌(FAO) の紹介
Trees and small birds in the YAU campus. Bombax ceiba (upper left), Burmese rose wood (Pterocarpus indicus, upper right). Birds in the lower two photos are Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer). YAUキャンパス内の木と小鳥。左上はキワタ、右上は Burmese rose wood、 下の2枚の写真はシリアカヒヨドリ。 左の写真はシリアカヒヨドリがネムノキの先端に留まっています。右はサルスベリ(Lagerstroemia)の木の先端です。
Third day of my stay in YAU on February 26. My lecture and practice continued. Walked to the YAU field to see the soil profile. 研修3日日(2月26日)に撮った写真。講義と実習を継続。夕方、土壌断面を見に圃場まで散歩。
5. Plant Growth and Soil. 植物の生育と土壌 pdf-5
6-1. Plant Growth and Rhizosphere. 植物の生育と根圏 Part 1 pdf-6-1
6-2. Plant Growth and Rhizosphere. 植物の生育と根圏 Part 2 pdf-6-2
7-1. Physical properties of Soil. 土壌の物理性 Part 1 pdf-7-1
7-2. Physical properties of Soil. 土壌の物理性 Part 2 pdf-7-2
8-1. Chemical properties of Soil. 土壌の化学性 Part 1 pdf-8-1
8-2. Chemical properties of Soil. 土壌の化学性 Part 2 pdf-8-2
Sceneries in the YAU campus and small birds. Upper left bird is unknown. Upper right bird is Green Bee-eater (Merops orientalis). YAUキャンパス内の風景と小鳥。左上の小鳥は名称不明。右上はミドリハチクイ。
Fourth day of my stay in YAU on February 27. My lecture and practice continues. Lunch at the university canteen, and supper at the Shan noodle shop. 研修4日日(2月27日)に撮った写真。講義と実習を継続。お昼は学食、夜はシャンヌードル店で食事。
9-1. Soil organisms. 土壌生物 (Part 1) pdf-9-1
9-2. Soil organisms. 土壌生物 (Part 2) pdf-9-2
10-1. Soil Organic Matter. 土壌有機物 (Part 1) pdf-10-1
10-2. Soil Organic Matter. 土壌有機物 (Part 2) pdf-10-2
10-3. Soil Organic Matter. 土壌有機物 (Part 3) pdf-10-3>
11-1. Dynamics of plant nutrients and their deficiency and excess. Part 1: General discussion and macro elements.作物養分の動態とその欠乏および過剰症状(多量元素) pdf-11-1
11-2. Dynamics of plant nutrients and their deficiency and excess. Part 2: Micro elements; Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu. 作物養分の動態とその欠乏および過剰症状(微量元素 Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu) pdf-11-2
12-1. Dynamics of plant nutrients and their deficiency and excess. Part 3: Micro elements; Mo, B, Cl. 作物養分の動態とその欠乏および過剰症状(微量元素 Mo, B, Cl) pdf-12-1
12-2. Dynamics of plant nutrients and their deficiency and excess. Part 4: Useful elements and the tolerance of crops to acidity, salt, heavy metals, and nutrient deficiency. 作物養分の動態とその欠乏および過剰症状(有用元素および酸性、重金属耐性) pdf-12-2
13. Health of Soil, Plant and Animal. - Soil is the vital point of material circulation. 土壌、作物および家畜の健康- 土壌は物質循環の要。 pdf-13
Shan noodle shop in the Yezin town and small birds in the campus. Upper two photos show Commom Myna (Acridotheres tristis). YAUキャンパス内の小鳥と夕食に訪れたシャンヌードル店。上2枚の写真はインドハッカ (Common Myna). インドハッカはムクドリや九官鳥の仲間です。目の周りにマスクをしたような怖い顔をしていますが、性質も獰猛だそうで、他の野鳥や小動物の生息域を狭めているそうです。畑と林の境界域や人間の住む場所を好んで生息するそうです。人間が捨てた生ゴミなども餌にしているからです。最近この鳥がオーストラリアまで拡散して、現地の在来種の野鳥に深刻な影響を及ぼしているため、外来種として駆除されているとのことです。もともとは害虫を食べさせるために導入したとのことなので、人間のわがままに過ぎませんが。
Fifth day of my stay in YAU on February 28. My lecture and practice continues. Soil profile survey practice in the field. 研修5日日(2月28日)に撮った写真。YAU圃場で土壌断面調査実習。
14. Observation and description of soil profile. (Part 1) pdf-14
15-1. Observation and description of soil profile. (Soil color determination.) pdf-15-1
15-2. Observation and description of soil profile. (Soil color chart, selected pages) pdf-15-2
Sixth day of my stay in YAU on February 29. Leave for the study tour in Shan State. Visit the YAU outreach campus in Aung Ban. 2月29日から3月2日 シャン州視察。受講生11名およびコーディネーターと同行(運転手を含め総勢14名)。YAU アウンバン分校を訪問し、Prof. Kyawt San Dar Aung から同校における教育と実習の内容について伺った。(2月29日)
Left YAU at 6:10 in the morning. Took breakfast in Takon on the way. Passed the mountain area and took early lunch in Ka Law. 朝6:10 出発。途中Takon で朝食。山を越えて、Kalaw で早めの昼食。
YAU Aung Ban outreach campus。Briefing from Prof. Kyawt San Dar Aung with the foods of Shan State.
Answer: これは、シャン州にあるYAUのAungban分校を訪問したときに、校長先生のProf. Kyawt San Dar Aungがもてなしに出してくださったものです。ホオズキのような果物は甘くて美味しかったですが名前を忘れてしまいました。この地方の特産だそうです。 インターネットで調べたところ、西洋ホオズキ、インカベリー(南米原産のため)、ゴールデンベリーなどと呼ばれているようです。日本のホオズキはアルカロイド含量が高すぎて有毒なので食べられません。 右上の写真には納豆せんべいが写っています。これもシャン州の特産の食品です。ミャンマーのシャン州から中国の雲南省にかけては納豆が生産されており、世界の納豆の故郷のようです。 右下は有機栽培のイチゴです。
YAU Aung Ban outreach campus。Agroforestry demonstration garden.
Upper left: Alodaw Pauk Pagoda. Lower two photos: Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda on Inle lake and a decorated boat for the traditional boat race.
Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda on Inle lake and a decorated boat for the traditional boat race.
Upper left: Water buffaloes bathing in a canal. Lower two: Very old pagodas in Swe Inn Tein area.
Very old pagodas in Swe Inn Tein area.
Very old pagodas in Swe Inn Tein area. With Dr. Myat Moe Hlaing.
Briefing board of the very old pagodas in Swe Inn Tein area. Shwe Inn Tein パゴダ集団は、南シャン州ニャウンシュエ市内のインレー湖の西側にあるInn Tain Kone 村の近くに位置している。Bodawphya王治世の頃の石碑の記載によれば、Shwe Inn Tein パゴダは、Thiri Dhammasoka王の頃最初に作られ、Anawrahta王がそれを保護しさらに拡大した。2人の王は宗教的な目的のために神聖な土地を寄進し、家臣にこの土地のパゴダを管理させた。11世紀から18世紀にかけて、Bagan、Inwa、Nyaungyan、Konboungの王朝の期間に、この地域は異なったタイプの伝統的な構造と彫刻を伴う1054基のパゴダの集合体となった。内部に洞窟を持ち壁画で飾られた2基のパゴダがある。Thiri Dhamasoka王(273-232 BC)によって寄進された洞窟内のパゴダもある。
Very old pagodas in Swe Inn Tein area. With Drs. Myat Moe Hlaing and Ei Phyu Win.
Very old pagodas in Swe Inn Tein area. With the accompanied members.
Children playing in the river near the very old pagodas in Swe Inn Tein area.
Souvenir shop near the very old pagodas in Swe Inn Tein area.
Eighth day of my stay in YAU on March 2. The last day of the study tour in Shan State. Visited Pindaya from Kalaw. 研修8日日に撮った写真。シャン州の見学旅行の最終日。カローからピンダヤを訪問。(3月2日)
Visit to Pindaya to see the agricultural fields in calcareous soil area. ピンダヤを訪問し、石灰岩土壌地帯における農業景観を見学した。なお同日はミャンマー 国における国民の休日(Peasant's day) であった。(3月2日)
Sky Motel in Ka Law which we stayed in the night of March 1. Bamboo Pagoda (Hnee pagoda) in Ka Law and the Ka Law Rail station. バンブーパゴダは御本尊の仏像内部の骨組みが竹で編んで作られているためそう名づけられているとのこと。
With the students and teachers at the Ka Law Rail station. カロー鉄道駅はイギリス統治時代に作られた。山を越えてマンダレーと結ばれている。東はタウンジー、南はロイコーまで鉄路が延びているが、運行本数は少ない。
From the Ka Law Rail station to Pindaya. Scenes of rural field area.
Arrived at the Golden Cave in Pindaya.
View of the Pindaya village from the Golden Cave.
View of the Pindaya village from the Golden Cave.
View of the Pindaya village from the Golden Cave.
View of the Pindaya village from the Golden Cave.
Inside of the Golden Cave. Legends (cited from Wikipedia): There are many legends surrounding the Pindaya cave. One is that a blocked-off path at the end of the cave leads to the ancient city of Bagan. There is also the legend of the seven princesses bathing in a lake and how they were captured by a giant spider and trapped in the cave to be rescued by Prince Kummabhaya of Yawnghwe. Sculptures of the spider and the prince aiming with his bow and arrow have been added in recent times at the entrance of the covered stairway to the caves. ピンダヤ洞穴の伝説(ウィキペディアより引用、翻訳):この洞穴の奥にはもうこれ以上人が入っていけないような穴がありそこが終点となっていました。この終点の穴は古代の都市バガンに続いていると言われています。もう一つの言い伝えは、湖で湯あみをしているうちに巨大なクモにとりこにされてしまった7人の王女の話です。Yawnghwe国のKummabhaya王子がこの巨大なクモを退治して王女たちを助けました。洞穴の入口に続く階段道路付近には、クモに囚われた7人の王女と巨大なクモ、そのクモを弓と矢でねらうKummabhaya王子の像が飾ってあります。
Inside of the Golden Cave. この鍾乳洞の中である仏像にお参りしたあと、天井から下がっていた鍾乳石の先端に頭をぶつけてしまいました。帽子をかぶっていたので大事には至りませんでした。不信心な私には罰があたったかと思いましたが、一緒に歩いていたカウンターパートの先生は「またおいで下さいという意味ですよ。」と言ってくれました。
Comment: 「またおいで下さいという意味ですよ。」って素敵ですね✨
Answer: 良い慰めの言葉でしたね。
View from the car on the return drive from Pindaya to Aung Ban.
Tenth day of my stay in YAU on March 4. Practice on soil mini monolith preparation. Gave Origami works to participants for the memory. 研修10日日(3月4日)に撮った写真。土壌ミニモノリスの作製実習継続。記念として折り紙作品を受講生に配布。
22-1. Preparation of soil mini-monolith (Part 1) pdf-22-1
22-2. Preparation of soil mini-monolith (Part 2) pdf-22-2
22-3. Preparation of soil mini-monolith (Part 3) pdf-22-3
22-4. Preparation of soil mini-monolith (Part 4) pdf-22-4
23. Preparation of soil mini-monolith (2). 土壌ミニモノリス作成実習(2) 半分の土壌層位試料(4層)を台紙に接着
24-1. Soils distributed in the plain, terrace, and hilly area in Myanmar. ミャンマー の平野、段丘、山地に分布する土壌pdf-24-1
24-2. Summary of the important soil units in Myanmar (1). pdf-24-2
24-3. Summary of the important soil units in Myanmar (2). pdf-24-3
24-4. Summary of the important soil units in Myanmar (3). pdf-24-3
25-1. FAO Soil Map in the north-eastern part of Myanmar . ミャンマー 地域のFAO土壌図の紹介 pdf-25-1
25-2. Legends of theFAO Soil Map in the Myanmar. pdf-25-2
26. Compost and Farm Yard Manure. 堆肥と厩肥 pdf-26
27. Use of Green manure in Agriculture. 緑肥の農業利用 pdf-27
28. Global Circulation of Carbon related to Climate Change and Environment. 地球規模の炭素循環と気候変動・環境変動の関わり pdf-28
Origami works prepared for the gift to students. プレゼント用に作成した折り紙作品。
Eleventh day of my stay in YAU on March 5. Lectures on climate change and soil. Closing ceremony one day in advance. 研修11日日(3月5日)に撮った写真。気候変動と土壌に関する講義。1日早く閉講式を実施。
29. Explanation of the results of soil survey and soil analysis. 土壌断面調査および土壌分析結果の説明
29-1. Results of soil profile observation in 2020. pdf-29-1
29-2. Results of soil analysis in 2020. pdf-29-2
30. Global Circulation of Nitrogen related to Climate Change and Environment. 地球規模の窒素循環と気候変動・環境変動の関わり pdfpdf-30
31. Closing ceremony in advance with Prof. Toyoda. 3月5日に帰国する豊田教授と一緒に1日早く閉講式を行った。
32. Preparation of soil mini-monolith (3) 土壌ミニモノリス作成実習(3) 残りの土壌層位試料(4層)を台紙に接着
33. Introducing three papers on soil carbon and climate change. 土壌炭素と気候変動に関連する3つの論文を紹介。
33-1. Put more carbon in soils to meet Paris climate pledges. Rumpel, C. et. al. Nature, Vol. 564, 32-34 (2018) pdf-33-1
33-2. Soils and climate change. Smith, C. Environmental Sustainability, Vol. 4, 539-544 (2012) pdf-33-2
32-3. Matching policy and science: Rationale for the ‘4 per 1000 – soils for food security and climate’ initiative. Soussana J-F. Soil and Tillage Research, Vol. 188, 3-15 (2019) pdf-33-3
Closing ceremony one day in advance. As Prof. Toyoda from TUAT leaves on March 5, we had the closing ceremony together on the same occasion. 1日早く閉講式(農工大の豊田教授が3月5日に帰国されるので一緒に行った。)
Preparing soil mini monolith and the walk to University of Forestry campus area. Upper right bird is red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer). 土壌ミニモノリスの作製と散歩。右上の鳥はシリアカヒヨドリ。
Walking to Yezin dam lake area. イェジンダム方面に散歩
Flowers along the side walk. 歩道沿いに咲いていた花
Scenes in the rural area in Yezin. イェジンの農村風景
Scenes in the rural area in Yezin in the evening. 夕暮れのイェジンの農村風景
Twelfth day (the last day) of my stay in YAU on March 6. Lectures on climate change and soil continued. Left YAU in the evening for the Nay Pyi Taw airport. 研修12日日、最終日(3月6日)に撮った写真。夕方YAUを出発。ネピドー空港へ。
34-1. Designing field experiment for potato (an example) and results. 圃場試験の設計および実施法(馬鈴薯栽培試験の紹介)pdf-34-1
34-2. Yields in the field experiment of potato. バレイショ栽培試験の収量調査結果。 pdf-34-2
34-3. Photos of the field experiment of potato. バレイショ栽培試験の写真。 pdf-34-3
35-1. Designing pot experiment (an example). ポット試験の設計および実施法(二十日大根栽培試験の紹介) pdf-35-1
35-2. Photos of pot experiment. ポット試験の写真 pdf-35-2
36. Preparation of soil mini-monolith. (4) Fixing the surface of soil mini monolith with the diluted glue.土壌ミニモノリス作成実習 (4) ミニモノリス表面の処理と固定
37. Introduction of IPCC reports on climate change. 気候変動に関するIPCC報告書の紹介
37-1. Global Warming of 1.5 degree C. (2018) pdf-37-1
37-2. Climate Change and Land. (2019) pdf-37-2
37-3. Selected Glossary for IPCC reports. IPCC報告書用語集(選抜) pdf-37-3
Arrived at Narita airport in the morning via Bangkok airport. Flied from Haneda airport to Obihiro airport in the afternoon. Arrived home at around 15:00 picked up by my wife. バンコク経由で朝8時に成田空港着。午後、羽田空港から帯広空港へ。妻の出迎えで15時頃わが家へ帰着。
I arrived home safely. A large amount of snow has been accumulated in Obihiro. I gave my wife the souvenirs from my YAU friends. She was very happy for the gift. The lower right photo shows the Thanaka tree, a cosmetics in Myanmar, bought as a souvenir in Pindaya.
3月7日の午後、無事に帯広に帰着しました。受講生の皆さんからのお土産を妻はとても喜んでいました。(私からのお土産も)。右下の写真はミャンマー で化粧品として用いられているタナッカーの木です。石盤の上で水に濡らしながら粉にし、顔に塗ります。主に女の人と子供たちが塗っていますが、男性でも塗っていることがあります。
Scenes of Tokachi plain from the flight from Haneda to Obihiro.
Snowy scenes around my house in Obihiro.
My wife, wearing the souvenirs from the participants and me.
Preparing soil mini monolith during the practice in YAU and after coming back home. YAUでの実習中および帰国後の土壌ミニモノリスの作成。
During the practice, soil mini monolith of the trainees have been finished. I had to carry my soil mini monolith home. However, as it was still wet, it was slightly damaged during transportation. I put it on a plywood, treated the surface with transparent varnish, painted the peripheral to yellow with poster color, renewed the graduation and hanged it on a wall.
Soil profile of YAU field on February 28.
Soil profile of YAU field on February 28.
Soil mini monolith under preparation at YAU.
Soil mini monolith under preparation at YAU.
Soil mini monolith under preparation at YAU.
Soil mini monolith under preparation in my home.
Soil mini monolith under preparation in my home.
Soil mini monolith under preparation in my home.
Completed soil mini monolith in my home. Left side one was made from YAU field soil profile in 2019.
Soil profile layer division of YAU filed in 2020 pdf
Quarantine period after coming home from Myanmar. ミャンマーから帰国後の検疫期間。
After coming home from Myanmar, the situation related to new Corona virus became more serious day by day, and the people, especially who came home from foreign countries were advised to stay home as far as they have no urgent purpose. Though Yezin and Nay Pyi Taw were very safe places and the return flights I was on board were not at all crowded and I had no passenger in my neighboring seat during traveling. Anyhow, however, I kept my etiquette to refrain from going out to crowded place. I thought that walking in the field would be allowed because I will not see anybody during walking. Walking was also necessary to keep my own health. Followings are the photos which I took during the "quarantine period".
March 11
Photo on March 11. Oak tree just in front of my house beyond the road.
I have placed the soil mini monolith from YAU on a plywood. The graduation will be replaced to a new one. It rained much last night, and the snow around my house has melted considerably.
March 12
Photo 1 on March 12. Trees along Kikanko river.
I walked around my house for the first time after coming back from Myanmar. Children in Japan have been advised to stay in their home for the last two weeks due to the spread of Corona virus. From today they are allowed to go out to parks if they have no symptom of flu. However, I saw very few children outdoors during the walk.
Photo 2 on March 12. Swamp ash tree along Kikanko river.
Photo 3 on March 12. Kikanko river.
Photo 4 on March 12. Swamp ash tree along Kikanko river.
Photo 5 on March 12. I have painted the peripheral of the soil mini monolith to yellow with a poster color.
March 13
Photo 1 on March 13. Urikai river.
On last Friday, I was still in YAU, and one week has passed already. I spent two days for writing a report to JICA, two days for uploading photos on my home page, and another two days for finishing the soil mini monolith. What can I do for the remaining days in March?
Photo 2 on March 13. A small dam on Urikai river.
Photo 3 on March 13. Trees beside Kikanko river.
Photo 4 on March 13. New graduation has been attached to the soil mini monolith.
March 14
Photo 1 on March 14. Kikanko river.
Photos during my 90 minutes walk (2:30 - 4:00) in the afternoon. In the campus of Obihiro University of Agriculture and V. M., old staff housings are removed and some new buildings for research are being constructed. Many trees along the road side have also been cut down. Snow is melting rapidly due to the warm temperature.
Photo 2 on March 14. Farmer's field in the lowland area near my house.
Photo 3 on March 14. New research building for rice wine brewery in OUAVM.
Photo 4 on March 14. Student of horsemanship club.
Photo 5 on March 14. Freezing ice on the roadside.
Photo 6 on March 14. Kikanko river.
March 15
Photo 1 on March 15. Obihiro Technology High School.
Today, I walked from 3:30 to 5:00 counterclockwise the same route which I took yesterday. The first photo shows the brush used for painting the soil mini monolith and left outside in water overnight. It had been frozen in the morning.
Photo 2 on March 15. Kikanko river.
Photo 3 on March 15. White birch alley in OUAVM.
Photo 4 on March 15. Wind break trees on the edge of terrace.
Photo 5 on March 15. Farmer's field in the lowland area.
March 16
Photo 1 on March 16. Kikanko river to the north of Housei elementary school.
Photo 2 on March 16. I hang my soil mini monolith in my niche.
March 17
Photo 1 on March 17. Farmer's field in Kawanishi area.
I walked to the southern direction just for changing the route. I also wanted to see Satsunai river. It was a little early to walk on the bank of Satsunai river, as still much snow remained, but I dared to walk some distance. I could not reach the southern bridge of Satsunai river, however.
Photo 2 on March 17. Frozen road approaching to the bank of Satsunai river.
Photo 3 on March 17. Remaining snow on the bank of Satsunai river.
Photo 1 on March 18. Kikanko river near the baseball field of Obihiro Kita High School.
I watched Satsunai river from the northern bridge, as I could not reach the southern bridge yesterday. Walking like a snail.
March 18
Photo 2 on March 18. Housei elementary school.
Photo 3 on March 18. Satsunai river.
Photo 4 on March 18. Satsunai river.
Photo 5 on March 18. An eagle was flying over Satsunai river.
Photo 6 on March 18. Northern Taisetsu mountains seen beyond Satsunai river.
Photo 7 on March 18. Northern Taisetsu mountains seen beyond Satsunai river.
Photo 8 on March 18. Main stream of Satsunai river.
Photo 9 on March 18. Satsunai river.
March 19
Photo 1 on March 19. Willow tree with wooly flower buds along Urikai river.
I made a round walk through Kikanko river, Urikai river, Inada elementary school, and the campus of Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Today should have been the day of graduation ceremony in OUAVM, but it was cancelled due to the spread of Corona virus disease. However, I saw some students dressed in Kimono and suits near the main gate of the university.
Photo 2 on March 19. Urikai river.
Photo 3 on March 19. Small dam on Urikai river.
Photo 4 on March 19. Riparian forest along Urikai river.
Photo 5 on March 19. Riparian forest along Urikai river.
Photo 6 on March 19. The area after the staff housings were removed in OUAVM.
Photo 7 on March 19. Sunset beyond the pasture field of OUAVM.
Photo 8 on March 19. Sunset beyond the pasture field of OUAVM.
Photo 9 on March 19. Farm houses and wind break trees on the terrace cliff.
Photo 10 on March 19. Kikanko river near my house.
Photo 11 on March 19. Mascots in Manabino park on different days showing the snow melting.
Photo 12 on March 19. Mascots in Manabino park on different days showing the snow melting.
March 20
Photo 1 on March 20. Dog run in my garden showing the snow melt.
Two weeks have passed since I came back from Myanmar, meaning that the quarantine period has passed and I was safe from the Corona virus, though it is still necessary to take care of myself for the infection in Japan. Anyway, Yezin in Myanmar was a very safe place. It has become warmer and snow melting has proceeded here. I went out as usual for walking to look for any sign of spring in the field, but I still could not find any flower or sprouts coming out from the soil.
Photo 2 on March 20. Wet area beside Kikanko river.
Photo 3 on March 20. Kikanko river.
Photo 4 on March 20. Wooden bridge on Kikanko river.
Photo 5 on March 20. Kikanko river.
Photo 6 on March 20. Blue sky over the field of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Photo 7 on March 20. Swamp ash and walnut trees along Kikanko river.
Photo 8 on March 20. Blue sky over the field of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Photo 9 on March 20. Blue sky and large cloud over Kikanko river.
Photo 10 on March 20. Kikanko river with melting snow.
March 21
Photo 1 on March 21. Kikanko river with melting snow.
I walked to the green park of Obihiro. It took around one hour on foot. I visited there the Centennial Museum of Obihiro, where a photo exhibition was held. Among the photo works exhibited there, three photos taken in Myanmar were included. They were very nice works, and I was interested in who took those photos.
Photo 2 on March 21. Children's park in Obihiro Green Park.
Photo 3 on March 21. Obihiro Green Park.
Photo 4 on March 21. Obihiro Centennial Museum beyond the pond in the Green Park.
Photo 5 on March 21. Children's education facility in the Green Park.
Photo 6 on March 21. Obihiro Centennial Museum beyond the pond in the Green Park.
Photo 7 on March 21. A tit on the twig.
Photo 8 on March 21. A tit on the twig.
Photo 9 on March 21. A tit on the twig.
Photo 10 on March 21. A flower bud of "Kobushi" tree, Japanese magnolia.
March 22
Photo 1 on March 22. Cut down larch forest in the lowland area.
Happy and unhappy scenes during walking. Happy scenes: beautiful Hidaka mountains, blooming of early spring flower "Pheasant's eye", melting of snow on the bank of Kikanko river. Unhappy scenes: felling of trees around OUAVM and Obihiro Agricultural High School area, a mound of snow beyond the pedestrian's crossing, still too deep snow on the walking way, a broken bridge on Kikanko river.
Photo 2 on March 22. Hidaka mountains seen beyond the pasture field of OUAVM.
Photo 3 on March 22. Hidaka mountains seen beyond the pasture field of OUAVM.
Photo 4 on March 22. Pheasant's eye blooming.
Photo 5 on March 22. The area where staff housings have been removed in OUAVM. This area was very rich in wild flowers until last year.
Photo 6 on March 22. Still remaining staff housings in OUAVM.
Photo 7 on March 22. Cut down road side larch trees.
Photo 8 on March 22. Cut down road side larch trees.
Photo 9 on March 22. A mound of snow left beyond the pedestrian's crossing.
Photo 10 on March 22. Swamp ash and walnut trees along Kikanko river.
Photo 11 on March 22. My foot prints left on the snow on the bank of Kikanko river.
Photo 12 on March 22. Wood bridge on Kikanko river. It was broken while I was passing on it.
March 23
Photo 1 on March 23. Hair band, a handicraft of Ainu people in Tokachi, Hokkaido. I bought this one in the centennial museum of Obihiro last Saturday.
March 24
Photo 1 on March 24. Mascots in Manabino park showing the snow melt.
Photo 2 on March 24. Walking path in Manabino park.
Photo 3 on March 24. Kikanko river in Manabino park.
Photo 4 on March 24. "Enkousou", a water plant in the branch flow of Kikanko river.
In the afternoon of March 24, I walked in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School where I had not visited for more than one month due to the heavy snow and my trip to Myanmar. In some places in the forest, snow was still deep and only the footprints of wild animals could be found and no footprints of human. In the stream below the cliff, I could observe the water plant "Enkousou" which will have yellow flowers soon.
After walking in the forest, I returned to Kikanko river avoiding the muddy road in the forest.
Photo 5 on March 24. Foot prints and feces of wild animals (fox) in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Photo 6 on March 24. Scenes in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Photo 7 on March 24. Scenes in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Photo 8 on March 24. Scenes in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. Wild grasses are germinating.
Photo 9 on March 24. Scenes in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Photo 10 on March 24. A larch tree which had been damaged by woodpeckers has been broken down.
Photo 11 on March 24. Muddy road beside the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Photo 12 on March 24. Swamp ash tree along Kikanko river.
Photo 13 on March 24. A wooden bridge over Kikanko river.
Photo 14 on March 24. Swamp ash tree along Kikanko river.
March 25
Photo 1 on March 25.
One month has passed already since I started the training course at YAU on February 25. Time flies. Today, I went out late, because I had to stay in home while my wife went shopping. She bought a pair of new shoes for me for walking.
Snow in the road side and in the field has disappeared largely due to the rise in temperature.
From next month, I have been assigned as a part time lecturer of soil science and plant nutrition practice for the junior course students in OUAVM. However, the start of new semester has been postponed until May due to the prevalence of new Corona disease.
As the number of patients infected by the virus is still steeply increasing in Tokyo, the starting time of the lecture and practice would be still uncertain. It is inconvenient for the subject of field practice in which we have to grow crops.
Photos of Uppatasanti pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw in 2019 and 2020. ネピドーウッパタサンティパゴダの写真 (2019と2020)。
In Nay Pyi Taw, there is a very big and beautiful pagoda named Uppatasanti Pagoda. It has been constructed newly after the capital of Myanmar was moved from Yangon to Nay Pyi Taw. Paying respect to the Shwe Dagon Paya in Yangon, this pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw is 1 foot lower than Shwe Dagon Paya. I could have chances to visit Uppatasanti Pagoda both in 2019 and 2020. It was in the evening in 2019 and at noon in 2020.
ネピドーにはウッパタサンティパゴダというとても大きくて美しい仏塔があります。この仏塔はミャンマー の首都がヤンゴンからネピドーに移されてから新たに建立されたものです。ウッパタサンティパゴダはヤンゴンのシュウェダゴンパヤーに敬意を表して1フィートだけ低く作られているそうです。私は2019年の夕方と2020年の昼間にこのパゴダを訪問することができました。
Views in the evening and morning, 2019 and 2020. 夕焼けと朝焼けの風景 (2019と2020)。
While staying in Yezin, I often walked in the evening and in the morning. In 2020, breakfast was delivered from the university in the morning, and I could not walk in the early morning. Scenes in the evening were very beautiful especially from the field of YAU.
Evening view in Yezin in 2019 and 2020.
Morning view in Yezin (first two in 2019) and Inle (following three photos in 2020).
Mail letters between Prof. S. and me, who are alumni members of IRRI research fellows.
IRRI 研究員同窓会メンバーのS 先生とのメール。2019年9月に下呂温泉でかつてのIRRI研究員の同窓会がありました。その時に初めてお目にかかったS先生と時々メールのやり取りをしています。今回のミャンマー 行きに関して私の方からお送りした文面を掲載します。
February 11
S 先生
いよいよ来週の終わり2月22日からミャンマー のYezin Agricultural University に講義のため行ってきます。このプロジェクトも今年の11月で終了するそうなので、2回担当しただけでしたが、これが最後になると思います。今日はその講義内容を追加検討していました。
JICA which gave me the opportunity to visit YAU in 2019 and 2020,
Long-term experts at YAU-JICA-TCP office, Dr. Atsushi Yoshimura (in 2019), Dr. Shin-jirou Shiomi and Dr. Shin Hiratsuka (in 2020), co-ordinator Mr. Hiroyuki Okazaki for supporting my activity in YAU,
My counterpart teachers at YAU, Ms. Dr. Swe Swe Mar, Ms. Dr. Ei Phyu Win, and Mrs. Daw Nang Ei Mon The,
Teachers and graduate students at YAU as well as the researchers of the Department of Agriculture Myanmar who attended and supported my lecture and practice,
Dr. Ei Phyu Win who taught me the names of plants,
Ms. Yuka Kondo who contributed many comments on this homepage.